Query Host Update – Function 24
This function determines if the presentation space, Operator Information Area (OIA), or both, of the specified Host session have been updated since one of the following occurs:
•  Start Host Notification (function 23) was called.
•  The previous call of this function.
Prerequisite functions
Start Host Notification (function 23)
Function call
Call parameters
Parameter Description
Data String Short name session ID of the desired Host session, or space or null for the current Host session.
Data Length NA (length of 1 is implied).
PS Position NA
Return code
Code Description
WHLLOK No updates.
WHLLNOTCONNECTED The specified Host session is invalid.
WHLLSYSERROR The function failed due to a system error.
WHLLOIAUPDATE One or more updates to the OIA of the specified Host session.
WHLLPSUPDATE One or more updates to the presentation space of the specified Host session.
WHLLBOTHUPDATE One or more updates to both the OIA and the presentation space of the specified Host session