Query Session Status – Function 22
This function accesses the status of a specified session.
Prerequisite functions
Function call
Call parameters
Parameter Description
Data String 18-byte string for returned session information; first byte is a short name session ID of the session to query, or space or null for the current session.
Data Length 18
PS Position NA
Return parameters
Parameter Description
Data String System status*a 35-byte string with the following format:
Byte 1 Short name session ID.
Bytes 2-9 Long name session ID.
Byte 10 Session type: “D” for 3270 Host, “P” for personal computer, “F” for 5250 host, “G” for 5250 printer, and “E” for 3270 printer.
Byte 11 Sessions characteristics as a binary number explained below:
2-7 Reserved
If bit 0 (EAB) = 0 the session has base attributes.
If bit 0 (EAB) =1 the session has extended attributes
If bit 1 (PSS) = 0 the session does not support programmed symbols.
If bit 1 (PSS)=1 the session supports programmed symbols.
Bytes 12-13 Number of rows in the Host session presentation space. This is a binary number, not ASCII. If the session type is “E” or “G” (printers), the value is binary zero.
Bytes 14-15 Number of columns in the Host session presentation space. This is a binary number, not ASCII. If the session type is “E” or “G” (printers), the value is binary zero.
Bytes 16-17 Host code page number, expressed as a binary number.
Byte 18 Reserved.
Return code
Code Description
WHLLOK The requested session status is returned successfully.
WHLLNOTCONNECTED The requested session is invalid.
WHLLPARAMETERERROR Data Length is invalid.
WHLLSYSERROR The function failed due to a system error.
The rows and columns returned in Data String (positions 12-13 and 14-15) are the number of rows and columns that correspond to the Model type.