Query System – Function 20
This function determines the level and version of WHLLAPI under which your Windows HLLAPI application is running.
Prerequisite functions
Function call
Call parameters
Parameter Description
Data String Buffer for query data, must be defined for 35 bytes.
Data Lenght NA (length of 35 is implied).
PS Position NA
Return parameters
Parameter Description
Data String System status*a 35-byte string with the following format:
Byte 1 WinHLLAPI version number
Bytes 2-3 WinHLLAPI level number
Bytes 4-9 WinHLLAPI version date (mmddyy)
Bytes 10-12 Reserved
Byte 13 Always “U”
Byte 14 Always “E”
Bytes 15-16 WinHLLAPI product version number
Bytes 17-18 WinHLLAPI product level number
Byte 19 Reserved
Bytes 20-23 Reserved
Bytes 24-27 Reserved
Bytes 28-29 Reserved
Bytes 30-31 Reserved
Byte 32 Reserved
Bytes 33-35 Reserved
Return code
Code Description
WHLLOK The query completed successfully.
WHLLSYSERROR The function failed due to a system error. Any time results are unpredictable.