Reserve – Function 11
This function reserves the currently Connected Host session presentation space, locking out the user and preventing keyboard input.
Prerequisite functions
Connect Presentation Space (function 1)
Function call
Call parameters
Parameter Description
Data String NA
Data Length NA
PS Position NA
Return code
Code Description
WHLLOK The Host session presentation space has been reserved (locked).
WHLLNOTCONNECTED Your Windows HLLAPI application is currently not connected to a Host session
WHLLINHIBITED The Host session is inhibited.
WHLLSYSERROR The function failed due to a system error.
Reserve locks out keyboard input. You can prevent the user from gaining access to the Host session with this function. Once the Host session presentation space is reserved, it remains locked until one of the following occurs:
•  Your Windows HLLAPI application calls Release (function 12).
•  Your Windows HLLAPI application calls Disconnect Presentation Space (function 2).
•  Your Windows HLLAPI application calls Reset System (function 21). You can check the keyboard status