Connect Window Services – Function 101
This function allows the application to manage the presentation space windows. Only one Windows HLLAPI application at a time can be connected to a presentation space for window services.
Prerequisite functions
Function call
Call parameters
Parameter Description
Data String One-character short name session ID of the presentation space.
Data Length NA (defaults to 1).
PS Position NA
Return code
Code Description
WHLLOK The function was successful.
WHLLNOTCONNECTED An invalid presentation space was specified.
WHLLSYSERROR The function failed due to a system error.
WHLLNOTSUPPORTED The function was not supported by the emulation program.
WHLLUNAVAILABLE The presentation space was being used by another function.
A Windows HLLAPI application may connect to more than one presentation space concurrently for window services. More than one Windows HLLAPI application can share a presentation space, but the applications must synchronize session usage. This function is not supported for 5250 emulation.