When using profile mode, all BlueZone configuration settings are saved to a file, which is also referred to as a profile.
When you save your BlueZone configuration settings, a file save window does not appear if the file already exists. BlueZone
updates the profile with your changes. If the profile does not exist, like in the case of a new session, BlueZone prompts
you for a profile name.
Session description vs. connection name
Session description
The description of the particular BlueZone emulator client. For example, Mainframe Display is a session description.
Connection name
The name you give a host connection when you are configuring a new host connection.
Some end users prefer to have a one-to-one relationship between the session and the connection. This is accomplished by creating
a session that contains only one host connection and saving that session to a profile using .
1. |
Create a new Mainframe Display session, give the session a profile name of Host A.zmd.
2. |
Create one connection called Host A.
3. |
Ensure the Use Connection Name as Session Description check box is selected.
4. |
Exit the session and save it. |
5. |
When you refresh the Session Manger, the icon associated with the Mainframe Display you just created is named Host A which connects to a host called Host A.
In BlueZone it is possible to create multiple connections under one profile. If you do this and have the Use Connection Name as Session Description check box selected, the name of the associated icon is the connection name that was last used. This might be confusing.
When one profile contains many host connections, we recommend that you use the profile name as the name of the associated
icon. This is accomplished by not selecting the Use Connection Name as Session Description check box.