You can control these locations two ways:
1. |
By using the BlueZone Desktop installation program SETUP.EXE. During the BlueZone installation, a series of dialogs appear where you are given the opportunity to change the default value
to a value of your choice.
2. |
By modifying the SETUP.INI file so that the default values match your requirements before stating the BlueZone installation. |
File location options
Destination directory
Can be any location on your machine. It is recommended to use the default value: C:\Program Files\BlueZone
Use personal folder as working directory
Yes: Places all user level files like BlueZone configuration files and scripts into the end user's My Documents folder.
No: Places all user level files like BlueZone configuration files and scripts into the BlueZone installation directory unless
the value of the Use all users common folder as working directory (see below) is set to Yes.
Use all users common folder as working directory
Yes: Places all user level files like BlueZone configuration files and scripts into the All Users common folder.
No: Follows the value for Use personal folder as working directory described above.