Configuring profile schemes
1. Click File Properties from the BlueZone menu bar.
2. Click the Profile Schemes tab.
Figure 8: Profile Schemes tab
This is an example of the BlueZone Mainframe Display Profile Schemes dialog. Other BlueZone emulation client Profile Schemes dialogs look slightly different. However, the functionality and concepts are the same.
3. Determine which aspects of the BlueZone configuration you want to override using the profile schemes feature.
4. Enable the desired features by selecting the corresponding check box.
There are two ways to use this dialog:
•  You can leave the file names blank, in which case BlueZone creates a profile configuration file (based on your current configuration settings) with the same name as the master BlueZone configuration file, but with the corresponding file extension.
•  You can create you own dialog configuration profiles by going to each dialog, making your desired customizations, then exporting the changes to a dialog configuration profile using your own naming convention.
5. Depending on which method you want to use, either leave the file name blank or click Browse to locate the appropriate dialog configuration profile.
6. Click OK to save your choices.
From now on, when this BlueZone Mainframe Display session launches, BlueZone applies all the configuration settings stored in the main BlueZone configuration file (.zmd) first, then it applies the dialog configuration profiles that are enabled (selected) in the Profile Schemes dialog, and overrides the configuration settings with the values stored in the enabled dialog configuration profiles.
Refer to Dialog configuration profile table for a complete listing of the dialog configuration profile file extensions.