Configuring for Windows 16-bit HLLAPI application
1. On the BlueZone menu bar, click Options API.
The API Properties dialog opens.
2. Select the Enable DDE Server Interface check box. Click OK.
BlueZone is now listening for a DDE connection.
3. On the BlueZone menu bar, click Session Connect to establish a connection to your host.
4. Configure your 16-bit HLLAPI application to connect to BlueZone's "Thunking" DLL (WHLAPI16.DLL). This could involve changing the application's settings so that it is looking for the BlueZone DLL called WHLAP16I.DLL, or you may have to rename the BlueZone DLL to the name that your application is programmed to look for.
5. Launch your 16-bit HLLAPI application and execute a command that sends or receives data from your host.
6. Check to see if your HLLAPI application is interacting with BlueZone.