Configuring auto-launch
1. Ensure that your BlueZone Session is configured to automatically connect to your host when the session is launched.
2. Save this session by doing a Save As and give it a profile name. This is the BlueZone session that is automatically launched.
3. Edit the GLOBAL.INI file as described above and include the name you chose for the BlueZone session in step 2.
4. Add the location of your BlueZone installation folder to your Windows PATH statement. This is necessary so that your HLLAPI application can launch the BlueZone HLLAPI DLL.
For example: C:\Program Files\BlueZone
5. If necessary, rename the BlueZone HLLAPI DLL (WHLAPI32.DLL) to the name that your HLLAPI application is configured to launch. This may not necessary if this is a configurable option in your HLLAPI application.