Configuring Mainframe or iSeries printer sessions
1. Launch a BlueZone Mainframe or iSeries printer session from Session Manager or from the desktop icon.
A dialog opens prompting you for a profile name.
2. In the File name field, type in the desired name and click Save.
BlueZone automatically assigns the correct file extension for the session type.
3. When the session launches, you are automatically taken to the Define New Connection dialog.
4. Type your host's information. The Connection Name can be any name. The Host Address can be an IP Address or a DNS Name. LU Name is optional. The key fields are Host Address and TCP Port.
Your host may require an LU Name in order to properly route print jobs to your job queue. In this case, you must enter an LU Name or the connection to your mainframe fails.
If you are configuring an iSeries host, your configuration dialog has Device Name instead of LU Name. The same rule applies as stated above. Your iSeries host may require a Device Name (sometimes referred to as Terminal ID) in order route print jobs correctly. In this case, you must type a Device Name or the connection to your host fails.
5. Click OK twice.
You return to the BlueZone Printer Emulation screen.
6. From the BlueZone Mainframe Printer menu bar, click Session Connect.
You are now connected to your host. Connected and Ready appear on the BlueZone status bar.