Launch Session Manager
There are three methods available to launch Session Manager:
•  from a desktop shortcut
•  from the Windows taskbar
•  on system startup
Launching from a desktop shortcut
By default, the BlueZone installer creates a desktop shortcut for the Session Manager. To start the Session Manager, double-click the Session Manager desktop shortcut.
Launching from the Windows taskbar
Session Manager has a feature called Quick Launch. By default, Session Manager automatically runs from your Windows taskbar tray. The advantage to using quick launch is that you can have Session Manager running without taking up space on your desktop, yet you can still access many of the Session Manager features with a simple right-click.
To use quick launch, look for the Session Manager icon Image and right-click the icon. The Session Manager quick launch pop-up menu opens.
To use the Session Manager pop-up menu, click on the desired item.
Also, clicking on the Session Manager icon in the taskbar tray, causes the Session Manager to launch on your desktop. If you prefer not to launch Session Manager from the taskbar tray, you can turn this feature off by de-selecting this feature in the Options menu on the Session Manager menu bar or from the Session Manager taskbar menu.
Launching on system startup
If you used the default settings, the BlueZone setup program adds the Session Manager to your Windows startup folder. When you start up your workstation, Session Manager automatically launches. If you prefer not to launch Session Manager on Windows startup, you can turn this feature off by de-selecting this feature in the Options menu on the Session Manager menu bar or from the Session Manager taskbar menu.