Profile mode
If you want to deliver BlueZone to your end users with one or more pre-configured BlueZone profiles, all you have to do is
create the desired number of BlueZone profiles (configuration files), and include them in the BlueZone distribution image.
During the installation, the BlueZone installation program automatically copies any profiles into the end user’s BlueZone\Config folder.
If you are using BlueZone Session Manager, the BlueZone profiles you created automatically appear in the Session Manager the
first time it is launched.
If you are not using Session Manager, and the end user is launching BlueZone from program files or from a desktop icon, the
profiles automatically appear in the Select or Create New Profile dialog box that displays when a BlueZone client is launched.
This feature also works for BlueZone script files as well. Just add your script files to the distribution image.
Registry mode
A START, Sx or SxLOCK file is automatically loaded the first time BlueZone is launched or if no valid configuration information
is found in the Registry. This feature allows a system administrator to configure one copy of BlueZone, save the configuration
to a file, and load it on any system automatically by including the START, Sx , or SxLock file on the distribution diskette.
An exact duplicate of the original configuration will be loaded the first time the new copy of BlueZone is launched. Use
the command to create the configuration file.
The following table shows START files and their associated BlueZone emulation clients.
File name |
BlueZone emulation client |
BlueZone Mainframe Display |
BlueZone Mainframe Printer |
BlueZone iSeries Display |
BlueZone iSeries Printer |
BlueZone VT Display |
BlueZone FTP client |
BlueZone TCP/IP Print Server |
START files must be in the same directory as the BlueZone program being executed to function properly. Do not place them
in the
\Configs directory.
SxLOCK files load automatically from the file every time the corresponding BlueZone session is launched. Its primary purpose
it to allow the reconfiguration of sessions locked using the global lock function.