BlueZone directories
By default, the BlueZone working directory is created in the end user's personal folder also known as the My Documents folder.
BlueZone setup does not place files in any common Windows directories other than the font files, eliminating the problems created by other emulators that install files in the Windows System directory.
The main directory structure is as follows:
C:\Documents and Settings\Username\BlueZone
With the following sub-folders:
Contains SSL certificate files.
Contains BlueZone configuration and keyboard map files.
Contains BlueZone macro files.
Contains BlueZone script files.
Contains BlueZone Printer spool files.
Contains traces taken using the trace facility in the TN3270/5250 driver.
Contains files transferred using IND$FILE utility, BlueZone Secure FTP or Kermit.
If you modify the SETUP.INI file, you must run SETUP.EXE in order for the changes to take affect.