BlueZone command line switch tables
Table 17: BlueZone Mainframe display command line switches
Switch Function
/C Connection Name
/D Session Description
/S Session Identifier
/F Configuration File
/R Dialog Configuration File
/L LU Name
/H Host IP Address or DNS Name
/O TCP Port Number
/T Device Type (used in Display Session only)
/Q Set Registry without Launch
/I Blockade UserID
/J Blockade Password
/K Blockade Message
/& Auto-lock Keyboard on Launch
/~0 Disables SSL/TLS Encryption
/~2 Enables SSL/TLS Encryption
/1../9 Var1 through Var9
Table 18: BlueZone Mainframe printer command line switches
Switch Function
/C Connection Name
/D Session Description
/S Session Identifier
/F Configuration File
/L LU Name
/H Host IP Address or DNS Name
/O TCP Port Number
/Q Set Registry without Launch
/~0 Disables SSL/TLS Encryption
/~2 Enables SSL/TLS Encryption
Table 19: BlueZone iSeries display command line switches
Switch Function
/C Connection Name
/D Session Description
/S Session Identifier
/F Configuration File
/R Dialog Configuration File
/L Device Name
/H Host IP Address or DNS Name
/O TCP Port Number
/T Device Type (used in Display Session only)
/N User Name
/P Password
/G Initial Program to Call
/M Initial Menu Name
/B Initial Library Name
/Q Set Registry without Launch
/I Blockade UserID
/J Blockade Password
/K Blockade Message
/& Auto-lock Keyboard on Launch
/~0 Disables SSL/TLS Encryption
/~2 Enables SSL/TLS Encryption
/1../9 Var1 through Var9
Table 20: BlueZone iSeries printer command line switches
Switch Function
/C Connection Name
/D Session Description
/S Session Identifier
/F Configuration File
/L Device Name
/H Host IP Address or DNS Name
/O TCP Port Number
/A Queue Name
/V Queue Library
/W Font
/X Formfeed
/Y Host Print Transform
/Z Printer Model
/Q Set Registry without Launch
/~0 Disables SSL/TLS Encryption
/~2 Enables SSL/TLS Encryption
Table 21: BlueZone VT command line switches
Switch Function
/C Connection Name
/D Session Description
/S Session Number
/F Configuration File Name
/R Dialog Configuration File
/H Host IP Address or DNS Name
/O TCP Port
/T Terminal ID
/L Answerback
/A Number of Columns
/R Number of Rows
/Q Set Registry without Launch
/I Blockade UserID
/J Blockade Password
/K Blockade Message
/& Auto-lock Keyboard on Launch
/~0 Disables SSL/TLS Encryption
/~2 Enables SSL/TLS Encryption
/1../9 Var 1 through Var 9
/[0 Sets auto-connect to False
/[1 Sets auto-connect to True
Table 22: BlueZone ICL 7561 command line switches
Switch Function
/C Connection Name
/D Session Description
/S Session Identifier
/F Configuration File
/R Dialog Configuration File
/H Host IP Address or DNS Name
/O TCP Port Number
/Q Set Registry without Launch
/~0 Disables SSL/TLS Encryption
/~2 Enables SSL/TLS Encryption
/1../9 Var1 through Var9
Table 23: BlueZone Unisys T27 display command line switches
Switch Function
/C Connection Name
/D Session Description
/S Session Identifier
/F Configuration File
/H Host IP Address or DNS Name
/L Station Name
/O TCP Port Number
/Q Set Registry without Launch
/1../9 Var1 through Var9
Table 24: BlueZone Unisys UTS display command line switches
Switch Function
/C Connection Name
/D Session Description
/S Session Identifier
/F Configuration File
/H Host IP Address or DNS Name
/L Station Name
/O TCP Port Number
/Q Set Registry without Launch
/1../9 Var1 through Var9
Table 25: BlueZone Session Manager command line switches
Switch Function
/F Configuration File Name
/T Launch Directly Into the Windows System Tray
Table 26: BlueZone TCP/IP Print server command line switches
Switch Function
/F Configuration File Name
/T Launch Directly Into the Windows System Tray