Automatically generate device names
BlueZone has the capability to auto create iSeries device names dynamically and retry the devices until the iSeries determines that the requested device is not in use. BlueZone is configured to create the names based on %1, %2, and %3 values entered in the device name edit box.
Substitution text values
•  %1 - Uses the first seven characters of the computer name as the base device name.
•  %2 - Appends a D for display sessions or P for printer sessions.
•  %3 - Appends an automatically incrementing number beginning with 00 and ending with 99.
Display session using the computer name as the base name
For a computer with computer name WS1234.
A device name of %1%2%3 results in WS1234D00 being sent to the iSeries. If the requested device name is in use, WS1234D01 is requested.
Display session using a standard base name
Using a base name of GROUP1.
A device name of GROUP1%2%3 results in GROUP1D00 being sent to the iSeries. If the requested device name is in use, GROUP1D01 is requested.
Printer session using the computer name as the base name
For a computer with computer name WS1234.
A device name of %1%2%3 results in WS1234P00 being sent to the iSeries. If the requested device name is in use, WS1234P01 is requested.
Printer session using a standard base name
Using a base name of GROUP1.
A device name of GROUP1%2%3 results in GROUP1P00 being sent to the iSeries. If the requested device name is in use, GROUP1P01 is requested.
Using printer device association
Printer association provides a mechanism to automatically request a printer device name based on the existing display device name. By pre-defining pairs of printer and display devices in the iSeries, users may dynamically request a display device using a base name plus %2%3 and automatically get a matching printer device.
For example, using a base name of GROUP1.
Using the associate printer with display feature.
A device name of GROUP1%2%3 configured in the display results in GROUP1D00 being sent to the iSeries. If the requested device name is in use, GROUP1D01 is requested.
Once the display successfully obtains a device name, the printer is assigned the matching device name by the display emulator. If the display gets GROUP1D01, it gives the printer GROUP1P01.
This feature only works with predefined display and printer device name pairs where the printer device is assigned to the display device rather than the user.