Saving the transfer log
All LIPI File Transfer settings can be saved in two different ways:
•  Saved with your iSeries Display settings
•  Saved as a separate configuration file
To save with your iSeries Display settings:
When you launch and configure a LIPI File Transfer session, all your Host File Transfer transactions can be saved as part of your iSeries configuration. By default, BlueZone Host File Transfer is not configured to automatically save its configuration settings along with your iSeries Display session settings. This is controlled by the File Options settings.
If you want your Transfer Logs to be automatically saved along with your iSeries Display session settings, you will need to change
Refer to Setting file options for more information.
Click Log Save from the menu bar or clicking the Log Save icon on the lower Transfer Log toolbar, saves your current Host File Logs to your iSeries Display session configuration. Of course, you must also save your iSeries Display session in order for your Host File Transfer Logs to be saved. The Host File Transfer Log settings are dependent on the iSeries Display session settings being saved.
Unless you have a need to export your LIPI File Transfer Logs, you do not have to create a configuration file to save your Transfer Logs.
To save as a separate configuration file:
This feature is provided primarily as a way to export your Host File Transfer settings to another user or machine. LIPI File Transfer configuration files are saved in your BlueZone \config folder with a file extension of .ADL.
1. From the menu bar, click Log Save As or click the Log:Save As icon on the lower Transfer Log toolbar.
A standard Windows file dialog displays.
2. Type a name for the Transfer Log.
3. Click Save.