1. | Launch a BlueZone iSeries Display session. |
2. | From the BlueZone menu bar, click . The BlueZone Host File Transfer desktop user interface launches.
3. | From the Host File Transfer menu bar, click Create iSeries Database File icon located on the Host File Transfer toolbar. or click the The PC File Name dialog opens.
4. | Browse to the PC file that contains the data from which the iSeries file is created and click Next. The File Type dialog opens. BlueZone automatically chooses the File Type based on the file structure of the database file
you chose in the previous step. For example, if you chose an Excel spreadsheet, the File Type is BIFF8.
Supported file types:
5. | Click Next. The FDF File Name dialog opens.
6. | Select the name of the FDF file or use the default name and click Next. The Data Options dialog opens.
7. | Select the Data Options that match the data in your file: Date
Date Format:
[DMY] Day/Month/Year
[EUR] European
[ISO] International Standards Organization
[JUL] Julian
[MDY] Month/Day/Year
[YMD] Year/Month/Day
Date Separator: Not used in all Date Formats [] Blank
[,] Comma
[.] Period
[/] Slash
[-] Dash
Time Format:
[EUR] European
[HMS] Hours/Minutes/Seconds
[ISO] International Standards Organization
Time Separator: (Not used in all Time Formats) [] Blank
[,] Comma
[.] Period
[:] Colon
Decimal Separator:
[,] Comma
[.] Period
8. | Click Next. |
9. | Click Start Scan. BlueZone scans the PC data file to determine its contents. A progress bar shows the progress of the scan.
The check box First row of data contains field names must be checked to use the first row as field names and the second row is used as the first row of data. If unchecked the
first row in the PC File is used as the first row of data.
You can skip the scan but you are prompted to continue.
If any errors are detected, you receive an error message with a description of the error. Fix any errors and scan the file
again. Keep fixing errors until the file has been scanned successfully.
10. | Click Next. The File Contents dialog opens. This dialog is used to configure all the database fields.
11. | If the file was successfully scanned then there is a list of fields already configured. The Details button shows a dialog with selected field's information.
In addition, you can bring up a pop-up menu if you right-click any of the entries.
The pop-up menu allows you to perform additional operations on the entries like inserting new fields, deleting entries, moving
entries up or down.
12. | When you are ready, click Next. The iSeries Library/FileName dialog opens.
13. | Type the iSeries File that will be created. You must have authority in the specific Library. Click Next. The File Description Text dialog opens.
14. | This is optional. If desired, type text that describes the iSeries file on the host. Click Next to continue. The Confirm Settings dialog opens.
15. | If any of these settings are not correct, click Back to make any necessary changes. When you are satisfied with the settings, click Finish. |