Accessing the SQL Query options
1. Access the SQL Query edit box as described above.
Refer to Accessing the SQL Query tab for more information.
2. Click Options which is located at the bottom of the SQL Query edit box.
A Host Login dialog box opens.
3. Log on to the host or click Cancel.
The SQL Query Options dialog opens. This is where you can build your SQL Query statements.
Each tab represents an SQL Query condition. The following list describes each condition:
•  Select: Determines which fields to transfer. Required.
•  Where: One or more conditions that must occur for a record to be transferred.
•  Group by: Allows you to separate the result data into more than one group.
•  Having: One or more conditions that must occur by each summary record to be transferred.
•  Order by: Specifies an order in which to return the rows.
•  Join by: Specifies how the data from multiple files is combined.
Each clause must be on a separate line. The default SQL query of SELECT * is used when there is no custom SQL query configured. For example: