Use BlueZone in profile mode
Starting new BlueZone sessions
When starting new BlueZone sessions without specifying a session profile (using Session Manager or /F switch) the user is prompted to select an existing session profile or create a new one.
Saving in profile mode
The configuration file, used to launch the session, displays on the session title bar. File Save saves any changes made to the session to the session profile. File Save As prompts the user to create a new file which saves all the current settings in the emulator.
BlueZone automatically creates a backup of the session profile each time a save is performed. The files have the words Backup of added as a prefix to the session profile file name. Example: Test.zmd is backed up by Backup of Test.zmd.
If multiple sessions are open using the same session profile, the last session to save overwrites any settings saved from previously saved sessions
Opening session profiles in profile mode
File Open in a BlueZone session loads the settings from the selected session profile into the session. The session profile name displays on the title bar.
Cloning sessions in profile mode
To clone the current session, click File Open Session “Same Session Type” and BlueZone launches a new session window using the session profile from the current session. Using the File>Open Session toolbar button is a convenient way to clone sessions.
Opening different session types
File Open Session ”Different Session Type” prompts the user to select a session profile for the new session.
Auto-launching sessions using File Properties AutoLaunch
You can automatically launch up to four additional sessions by checking the check box and selecting the session type to launch. The session profile to use when launching each session must be specified in the Switches edit box using the /F command line switch. Example: /fsessionfile.zmd
Failure to specify a session profile results in an unconfigured session launching.
Launching FTP from a BlueZone session
BlueZone FTP sessions can be launched from a BlueZone emulator session by clicking Transfer FTP from the BlueZone menu bar. The first time an FTP session is launched, the user is prompted to select an FTP session profile. On subsequent FTP launches, the previously selected session profile is used.
If your BlueZone administrator has supplied you with a BlueZone FTP profile with the same name as the BlueZone Display profile that you are launching the FTP session from, the FTP session automatically starts using that profile without prompting you for a profile name.