T27 status bar indicators
To change what is displayed on the status bar, click View Properties from the BlueZone menu bar and click the StatusBar tab or double-click the status bar.
This group is used for overall status bar options.
•  Show StatusBar: Determines whether or not the status bar is displayed.
•  StatusBar Size: Use the drop down listbox to select the desired status bar size. Your choices are:
♦  Small: 16 x 16 Pixels
♦  Medium: 24 x 24 Pixels (default setting)
♦  Large: 32 x 32 Pixels
♦  Extra Large: 48 x 48 Pixels
Customize the StatusBar
This group is used to add or remove status bar indicators. The indicators are listed starting with the left column, then going down the right column of the dialog display. Clearing the check box next to the indicator, will remove it from the status bar. Please note that the following items are listed in the order that they appear in the status bar configuration dialog, and not the order that they appear in the actual BlueZone status bar display.
•  Session Identifier: S1, S2, S3, etc.
•  Data Comm Status: Used to show the current Datacomm Status on the status bar.
Possible values are:
♦  RCV
♦  XMT
♦  ENQ
♦  TTY
•  Session Status Indicator: Displays the current Session Status, the IP address of the host, or the Session Description.
Possible values are:
♦  Licensing: Displays while BlueZone is checking for available licenses.
♦  Initializing: Displays at startup.
♦  Connecting: Displays while attempting to establish a connection.
♦  Connected: Displays when the session is connected to the host.
♦  Disconnecting: Displays while disconnecting form the host.
♦  Disconnected: Displays when the session is disconnected.
•  Forms Mode Indicator: Displays the current Forms Mode status. If you are in Forms Mode, the word FORM will appear here. If you are not in Forms Mode, this space will be blank.
•  System Time and Date: Displays the current date and time in military format.
•  Keyboard Insert Mode Indicator: Indicates whether or not the keyboard is in insert mode. If the box is blank, insert mode is off. If InsPg or InsLn is displayed, insert mode is turned on.
Possible values are:
♦  InsPg: Insert Page
♦  InsLn: Insert Line
•  Keyboard NumLock Indicator: Displays the status of the Num Lock key. If the letters NUM are displayed on the BlueZone status bar with full intensity, the Num Lock is on, if NUM is grayed out, then the Num Lock is off.
•  Keyboard CapsLock Indicator: Indicates whether or not the keyboard lock is enabled. If the keyboard lock is on, a green up arrow will be displayed in this box.
•  Page Number Indicator: The current page number is displayed here.
•  Cursor Row and Column Indicator: Displays the current cursor position as Row, Column.