Screen history
The screen history feature captures an image of each screen displayed in the emulator and allows the end user to search through the historical screens. The text on the historical screens can be copied to the clipboard.
By default, the screen history feature is enabled. To configure the screen history feature, click View Properties and click the Screen History tab.
Screen History tab
Enable Screen History
Check to enable the screen history feature.
History Background Color
Displays the background color of the historical screens. Click Customize to change the background color of the historical screens.
Maximum Screen Buffers
Sets the number of screens to save in the history buffer. The default is 32 screens. The maximum number of screens is 999.
The more screens saved in the buffer, the more memory that is used.
Use the View Screen History First, Prev, Next, and Last menu options to search through the screen history. The background of the historical screens appear with the color set in the History Background Color field on the Screen History tab. This allows users to easily distinguish between active and historical screens.
Screen history buttons can also be added to the toolbar to quickly search through screen history. Five screen history buttons are available: First Screen, Prev Screen, Next Screen, Last Screen, and History Cancel. Refer to the appropriate topic for more information on adding the screen history buttons to the toolbar:
There are three methods to cancel the screen history view and return to the active screen:
•  Click View Screen History Cancel.
•  Click the History Cancel toolbar button.
You must manually add the screen history buttons to the toolbar.
•  Press any key.