Print to File settings
Printer output can be redirected to a file. This can be useful when sending print jobs to shared directories to be viewed in a text editor rather than using paper to print multiple copies.
The Print to File tab contains the following options:
•  Redirect Print Output to File: Check to enable the print to file feature.
♦  Output Filename: If selected, allows the user to enter a target file name in the adjacent edit box.
♦  Prompt for Filename: If selected, prompts the user for a target file name when the job is printed.
♦  Base Output File Name: If selected, BlueZone automatically creates target file names based on the base name entered in the adjacent edit box.
•  Output Directory: Displays the destination name for print output.
♦  Browse: Click to specify the directory and path where the print files are to be written.
•  Append Data to File: If checked, BlueZone appends new print data to the end of the specified file rather than overwriting it.