Mouse Options dialog
The Mouse Options dialog is used to configure the special mouse features which control the behavior of the mouse when using BlueZone T27.
From the menu bar, click Options Mouse or click the Mouse icon Image from the toolbar.
Mouse tab
•  Highlight Word for Copy/Paste on Mouse Left Double-Click: If selected, a double-click highlights the word, if any, that the cursor is on. A word is considered to be upper or lower-case characters and digits. A trailing blank is added if it is present.
•  Send T27 Function Enter on Mouse Left Double-Click: If selected, a double-click automatically executes the 3270/5250 Function Enter after the cursor has been moved.
•  Display Pop-up Menu on Mouse Right Click: If selected, the T27 Display pop-up menu displays when the mouse right button is clicked.
The pop-up menu is very useful. This menu allows you to directly select many key functions and features. For example, you can copy and paste, select text, access the edit properties dialogs, connect a session, disconnect a session, configure a session, access display options, access keyboard options, jump screen, as well as others.
•  Send T27 Function on Mouse Right Click: If selected, the highlighted emulation function from the drop-down list box is executed when the mouse right button is clicked.
•  Send T27 Function on Mouse Wheel Up: If enabled, BlueZone sends the configured command when the mouse wheel is moved in the up direction. The default command is Roll Down. As an option, you can configure the mouse wheel to send any BlueZone supported T27 function.
•  Send T27 Function on Mouse Wheel Down: If enabled, BlueZone sends the configured command when the mouse wheel is moved in the down direction. The default command is Roll Up. As an option, you can configure the mouse wheel to send any BlueZone supported T27 function.