Macro properties
The Macro Properties property sheet is used to configure BlueZone macro recording and playback settings. From the BlueZone menu bar, click Macro Properties. The Macros Properties sheet displays the following options:
Record tab
The Record tab is used to configure how events are recorded.
•  Record Keyboard Events Only: If selected, only keyboard events are stored in the macro file.
•  Record Mouse Events Only: If selected, only mouse events are stored in the macro file.
•  Record Keyboard and Mouse Events: If selected, both keyboard and mouse events are saved to the macro file.
Playback tab
The Playback tab is used to configure how events are played.
•  Playback Keyboard Events Only: If selected, only keyboard events stored in the macro file are played-back.
•  Playback Mouse Events Only: If selected, only mouse events stored in the macro file are played-back.
•  Playback Keyboard and Mouse Events: If selected, both keyboard and mouse events stored in the macro file are played-back.
•  Auto-Play Macro on Startup: If checked, BlueZone automatically plays the specified macro file once BlueZone has initialized, i.e., on program startup.
♦  Browse: Click to select a Macro file to play when BlueZone is launched.
•  Auto-Play Macro on Connect: If checked, BlueZone automatically plays the specified macro file once BlueZone has connected to the host system.
♦  Browse: Click to select a Macro file to play when BlueZone first connects to a host.
•  Playback Speed: Used to select how fast the Macro is played back.
If playing a Macro file does not produce the desired results, then try playing it at a slower rate.
Options tab
The Options tab is used to configure Macro options.
Maximize Main Window during Record and Play
Enable to temporarily maximize the BlueZone main window during Macro recording and playback. This is especially useful when you are using the mouse to record macros. By maximizing the screen, you ensure that the macro records and plays as desired.