Keyboard Options dialog
The Keyboard Options dialog is used to map BlueZone program functions to key sequences on the keyboard and to control various keyboard related options.
From the BlueZone menu bar, click Options Keyboard or click the Keyboard icon Image on the BlueZone toolbar. The Keyboard Options dialog opens, which contains the Key Mappings (a bitmap image of a keyboard), Options, and More Options tabs.
Refer to Mapping keyboards for more information.
Key Mappings tab
If you have installed a non-English version of BlueZone, the default keyboard map that will be displayed is based on your currently selected language in the Regional and Language Options in Windows.
Gray keys
Gray keys can be mapped. If you place the mouse pointer over a gray key and left click, a light yellow box will appear with the mappings of that particular key and also any combination key mappings that this key is used in.
The following illustration shows all Key Mappings associated with the R key.
Figure 5: IBM Mainframe keyboard
Red keys
Red keys cannot be used to map 3270 Functions.
Yellow keys
Yellow keys are caution keys. Care should be taken when using the yellow keys to map 3270 Functions. The caution keys include the Alt keys and the Esc key. Windows uses the Alt keys with menu accelerators and the Esc key is the default BlueZone Full Screen Hotkey key.
•  Keyboard Type: A List Box which contains a list of keyboard options for BlueZone.
♦  Standard 101/102 Key
♦  Unicomp 0852-M 122 Key
♦  KeyTronic KB3270/Plus
If you choose either the Unicomp 0852-M 122 Key or the KeyTronic KB3270/Plus keyboard, a 122 Keys... click button will appear in the upper right hand corner of the dialog. Clicking this button will display a floating keyboard bitmap of the extended keys.
•  Functions Group: A List Box which contains a list of a the BlueZone Function Groups that can be mapped.
♦  3270 Functions: Lists the 3270 functions and what keys they are currently mapped to.
♦  3270 Characters: Lists special 3270 characters like the Cent Sign, Logical Not, and the Solid Vertical Bar and what keys they are currently mapped to.
♦  Menu Hotkeys: Lists the BlueZone menu items available for key mapping.
♦  PC Data Keys: Lists the PC Keyboard Keys available for key mapping.
♦  APL Characters: Lists APL graphics characters and what they are currently mapped to.
♦  Macros Files: Lists the macro files available for key mapping. BlueZone macro files are created by selecting Macro Record from the BlueZone menu bar.
When Macro Files is selected, only macro files from the BlueZone program directory will be listed for selection.
♦  Script Files: Lists the script files available for key mapping. BlueZone script files are created by selecting Script Record from the BlueZone menu bar.
When Script Files is selected, only script files from the BlueZone program directory will be listed for selection.
•  Functions: Lists the functions available for key mapping. The functions displayed are dependent on which function is selected in the Functions Group list box above.
For example, if 3270 Functions is selected the Functions Group List Box, then only 3270 Functions will be displayed in the Functions window along with their respective Key Mappings in the Key Mappings window.
•  Key Mappings: Lists the key mapping or mappings if any, that will execute the highlighted function in the Functions list box.
Key Mappings Buttons
•  Print: Allows you to print out the mappings for whatever is displayed in the Functions Group list box. For example, if you want a printout of all the 3270 keyboard functions and what keys they are currently mapped to, make sure that 3270 Functions appears in the Functions Group list box and click the Print button.
•  New: Adds a new key mapping entry to the Key Mappings list box.
Functions can be mapped to more than one key.
•  Edit: Edits the highlighted key mapping entry.
•  Delete: Removes the highlighted key mapping entry from the Key Mappings list box.
•  OK: Accepts the key mapping and assigns it to the 3270 Function.
•  Cancel: Cancels the key mapping.
Overstrike feature
The 3270 Function Overstrike Sequence allows a non-ASCII character in the EBCDIC character set (such as θ) to be entered from the keyboard. Overstrike causes the emulation to enter overstrike mode, after which two ANSI characters (such as e and `) are typed to represent the desired character. If the two characters represent a valid combination, the resulting EBCDIC character is entered into the device buffer. An uncompleted overstrike can be canceled with the Reset key.
Refer to 3270 overstrike sequences for a complete list of valid overstrikes.
Options tab
•  Operate 3270 Function Backspace as a Destructive Backspace: If enabled, the 3270 Function Backspace deletes the character underneath the cursor after the cursor has been moved.
•  Auto-Reset when keyboard is locked (an audible sound will be heard): If enabled, the 3270 Function Reset is automatically executed if the keyboard state becomes locked with an “X Error” condition.
♦  Auto Tab After Reset: If enabled, an Auto-Tab is issued immediately after the keyboard is unlocked by the Auto-Reset feature above. The purpose of this feature is to automatically bring the cursor to the closest field of entry.
♦  Immediate Auto-Reset: If enabled, the Auto-Rest is issued immediately.
♦  Auto-Rest when Next Key is Pressed: If enabled, the Auto-Rest is issued only after a key is pressed.
•  Operate 3270 Function Rapid Left/Right as Word Rapid Left/Right: If enabled, the 3270 Functions Rapid Left and Rapid Right operates as Word Left and Word Right.
•  3270 Function Insert - Classic, True IBM Mainframe Emulation: If enabled, the 3270 Function Insert activates Insert Mode. In addition, Insert Mode deactivates each time the user presses an AID-Key.
•  3270 Function Insert - PC Style, Insert Mode Toggles On/ Off: If enabled, the 3270 Function Insert toggles Insert Mode On / Off.
•  3270 Function Insert - Combination Style, Toggles On/ Off and AID-Key Disables Insert Mode: If enabled, the 3270 Function Insert toggles Insert Mode On / Off. In addition, Insert Mode deactivates each time the user presses an AID-Key.
•  3270 Function Insert - Treat Trailing Spaces as Nulls: If enabled, BlueZone auto-removes trailing spaces at the end of field when typing in insert mode.
More Options tab
•  3270 Function End - Move Cursor to End of Text on Line: If enabled, the 3270 function "End" moves the cursor to the end of any text on that Line. When this option is enabled, protected text is honored.
•  3270 Function End - Move Cursor to End of Text in Field: If enabled, the 3270 function "End" moves the cursor to the end of text in the current or next unprotected field. If the cursor is already at the end of text, the cursor is moved to the end of field and any trailing spaces are ignored. If the cursor is already at the end of field, the next unprotected field is used.
•  Hard-Map Print Screen Key to Menu Hotkey File::Print Screen: If enabled, the 3270 Function Print Screen executes when pressing the Print Screen key on the keyboard.
The Print Screen key is a system key and also causes Windows to copy the contents of the desktop clipboard.
•  Auto-Repeat Mode for Ctrl, Alt and Shift Keys: If enabled, Control, Alt and Shift keys operate in Auto-Repeat Mode.
•  Auto-Repeat Mode for Enter Keys: If enabled, the Enter keys auto-repeat while continuously pressed.
•  Auto-Repeat Mode for Function Keys: If enabled, the Function keys auto-repeat while continuously pressed.
•  Convert Input to Uppercase: If enabled, BlueZone forces the entry of all characters to be uppercase regardless of the state of the Caps Lock key.