HotSpots and GUI mode
The GUI tab in the Display Options property sheet is used to configure HotSpots in the Session Window. From the BlueZone VT menu bar, click Options Display or right-click in the session window and select Display Options. Click the GUI tab.
GUI tab
The HotSpots Options group is used to enable and configure HotSpots:
•  Enable HotSpots: If enabled, BlueZone creates HotSpots in the session window.
•  Display HotSpots as Buttons: This feature is not available in BlueZone VT.
•  Use Mouse Pointer and Colors to Show HotSpots: If enabled, HotSpots are invisible until the cursor is positioned over them. In that case the configured foreground and background colors are used to reveal the HotSpot.
•  Foreground Color: Used to set the HotSpot foreground color.
•  Background Color: Used to set the HotSpot background color.
•  Customize: Click to customize HotSpots functionality. Refer to Customize HotSpots buttons below
•  Expand HotSpots to Include Associated Text: If enabled, the HotSpot expands to include any associated text. For example, a HotSpot labeled F3 can expand to a HotSpot labeled F3=Exit.
•  Expand HotSpots Across Single Spaces: If enabled, the HotSpot expands across single spaces.
This feature is not available in BlueZone VT.
Auto-GUI On / Off
This feature is not available in BlueZone VT.
Customize HotSpots buttons
The Options group contains controls for the configuration of session HotSpots:
•  Turn "Number" Strings into HotSpots: This feature is not available in BlueZone VT.
•  Turn "Number+Period" Strings into HotSpots: If enabled, HotSpots are created for number strings that are enclosed by spaces on the left and a period(.) on the right.
•  Turn "HTTP://" Strings into HotSpots (Auto-Launch Web Browser to URL): If enabled, "http://" strings are used to auto-launch the web browser to the designated address.
•  Turn "FILE://" Strings into HotSpots (Auto-Open File): If enabled, "file://" strings are used to auto-open the designated file.
•  Custom Search Strings: Displays a list of the currently configured custom HotSpots search strings. BlueZone searches the session window each time a host write occurs and creates a HotSpot if the search string is found.
♦  New: Used to define a new custom search string.
♦  Edit: Used to edit the currently highlighted custom search string.
♦  Delete: Used to remove the currently highlighted custom search string from the list.
•  Default Custom Settings Button: Used to restore the search strings and action lists to their default values.
When creating new custom search strings, keep in mind that HotSpots only work in protected fields.
HotSpot Action
Used to select the type of HotSpot action you want to create. Possible actions are VT Function, Send Text, or Play Script. To change the action, select a different entry from the list.
•  VT Function: If selected, you must select the specific VT function that you want to associate with the custom HotSpot.
♦  Function: Select the specific VT function that you want to associate with the custom HotSpot from this list.
•  Send Text: If selected, you must enter the specific text that you want to associate with the custom HotSpot.
♦  Text to send: Enter the specific text that you want to associate with the custom HotSpot in this box.
•  Play Script: If selected, you must enter the specific script file name that you want to associate with the custom HotSpot.
♦  Script to play: Enter the specific script file name that you want to associate with the custom HotSpot in this box.
♦  Browse: Click to browse to the BlueZone VT script folder so that you can select the script file that you want to associate with the custom HotSpot.
HotSpot Location
•  Row: Used to select a specific row for the custom HotSpot. If you want the custom HotSpot to be enabled anywhere on the screen, select Any.
•  Column: Used to select a specific column for the custom HotSpot. If you want the custom HotSpot to be enabled anywhere on the screen, select Any.