Edit properties – Except BlueZone VT
The Edit Properties property sheet is used to configure the BlueZone Copy and Paste functionality. From the BlueZone menu bar, click Edit Properties. The Edit Properties property sheet opens displaying the General, Copy to Clipboard, Copy to File, Copy to Printer, and Paste from Clipboard tabs.
This property sheet does not apply to BlueZone VT.
General tab
•  Use a Rectangle to show Selected Text: If enabled, a rectangular outline is drawn around selected text. You cannot control the color used to create the outline.
•  Use Colors to show Selected Text: If enabled, a solid color box is drawn around selected text. The box is shown using the configured foreground (character color) and background colors.
♦  Foreground Color: Displays the currently configured foreground color.
§  Customize: Click to choose a new foreground color.
♦  Background Color: Displays the currently configured background color.
§  Customize: Click to choose a new background color.
•  Auto-Deselect after Copy: If enabled, the selected text is automatically deselected after the copy operation is complete.
•  Enable Drag Drop Copy Paste: If enabled, selected text can be dragged to another portion of the screen by dragging and dropping to text in desired location.
♦  Drag Color: The "Drag Color" is the color of the selected text while it is being dragged. The pasted text reverts to its original color after the user releases the mouse button to paste the screen selection.
§  Customize: Click to choose a new drag color.
•  Auto-Copy Mouse Selections: If enabled, BlueZone auto-copies to the clipboard after a mouse edit selection.
•  Insert CR/LF character when Appending: If enabled, data appended to the clipboard starts on a new line.
Edit Prompting
•  Prompt for Filename before each Copy To File operation: If enabled, and Edit Copy to File is selected, the Common File dialog displays for output file name selection.
•  Prompt for Paste Options before each Paste operation: If enabled, BlueZone invokes the Paste Options dialog before each Edit Paste operation.
Copy to Clipboard tab
Copy Options
The Copy Options group is used to configure how text from the display session is copied to the clipboard:
•  Copy “screen shots” to the Clipboard (if no selection): If enabled, and no text is selected on the screen, the entire host screen text is copied to the Clipboard on Copy to Clipboard operations. If a portion of the screen is selected, then only the text in the selected area is copied to the Clipboard on Copy to Clipboard operations.
When this option is selected, the Auto-Screen Shots option (see below) becomes available.
•  Copy Selected Text Only: If selected, only the highlighted host screen text is copied to the Clipboard on Copy to Clipboard operations.
♦  Auto- "screen shots": If enabled, BlueZone auto-screen copies each time an AID-Key is entered. This also enables the Clipboard Options on the bottom half of the dialog.
•  Only Copy Text from Input Fields: If enabled, only copy text from unprotected input fields on Copy to Clipboard operations.
•  Copy with Columns Aligned: If enabled, this option keeps column alignment on all Copy to Clipboard operations. If column alignment is enabled, then any non-copy cells are padded with spaces.
The Copy with Columns Aligned option must be enabled for Paste with Column Alignment to function properly with text placed on the Clipboard using Copy to Clipboard.
•  Cell Delimited Pasting for Spreadsheet Paste: If enabled, BlueZone copies screen data to clipboard for spreadsheet applications.
♦  Delineate on Word Boundaries: Select this option to Delineate on Word Boundaries.
♦  Delineate on Field Boundaries: Select this option to Delineate on Field Boundaries.
•  Include Bitmap Image of Selection: If enabled, BlueZone copies the selected data as a bitmap image instead of individual characters. The bitmap copy is in addition to the already copied ANSI or Unicode text.
•  Compress Data on Cut: If enabled, cut data is replaced with data farther to the right. This only works, in user typeable fields. Protected data within the selection box is not effected. With the option de-selected, cut operates as before, where the data is replaced with nulls.
♦  Cut Filler: Used to specify whether Cut text is replaced with Nulls or Spaces.
Clipboard Options
The Clipboard Options group is used to configure additional Copy to Clipboard options:
•  Auto-"screen shots" Overwrite Clipboard Data: If enabled, auto-screen copies overwrite any data on the Clipboard.
•  Auto-"screen shots" Append Data to Clipboard: If enabled, auto-screen copies are appended to any data on the Clipboard.
Copy to File tab
Copy Options
•  Copy “screen shots” to Disk: If enabled, entire host screen text is copied to the Clipboard on Copy to File operations.
♦  Auto-"screen shots": If enabled, BlueZone auto-copies screen shots to file each time the user presses a Attention Identifier(AID) key. Enabling this option disables the Prompt for file name before each Copy option on the bottom half of this dialog.
•  Copy Selected Text Only: If enabled, only the highlighted host screen text is copied to the Clipboard on Copy to File operations.
•  Only Copy Text from Input Fields: Enable this option to copy text from unprotected input fields on Copy to File operations.
•  Copy with Columns Aligned: Use this option to keep column alignment on all Copy to File operations. If column alignment is enabled, then any non-copy cells are padded with spaces.
File Options
•  Prompt for Filename before each Copy: If enabled, the Common File dialog is displayed for the user to select a file before each Copy To File operation. This option is disabled if Auto-"screen shots" is enabled on the top half of this dialog.
♦  Default Output Filename: Used to enter a default file name to be used in all Copy to File operations.
•  Overwrite File Data: If enabled, the output file is overwritten on each Copy to File operation.
•  Append Data to File: If enabled, text is appended to the end of the output file on each Copy to File operation.
Copy to Printer tab
Copy Options
•  Copy “screen shots” to the Printer: If enabled, entire host screen text is copied to the printer on Copy to Printer operations.
•  Copy Selected Text Only: If enabled, only the highlighted host screen text is copied to the printer on Copy to Printer instances.
•  Only Copy Text from Input Fields: Enable this option for copying text from unprotected input fields on Copy to Printer operations.
•  Copy with Columns Aligned: Use this option to keep column alignment on all Copy to Printer operations. If column alignment is enabled then any non-copy cells will be padded with spaces.
The desired printer can be controlled by selecting File Print Setup from the menu bar.
Refer to Print screen setup for more configuration options.
Paste from Clipboard tab
Paste Options
The Paste Options group is used to configure how text from the clipboard is pasted into the display session window:
•  Straight Paste with Wrapping: When enabled, the text from the clipboard is pasted as if the user were typing each character on the keyboard.
•  Paste with Columns Aligned: With this option enabled, text from the clipboard is pasted keeping the columns aligned between rows of text. For correct operation, text being pasted with this option enabled must have been copied to the clipboard with the Copy to Clipboard with Columns Aligned option enabled.
•  Paste using Field Delimiters: If enabled, text from the clipboard is pasted using the configured field delimiter string. This option is used to paste database records from the clipboard into the host screen. Each field delimiter string encountered in the text causes a field advance operation in the host screen.
•  Word Wrap: If enabled, BlueZone (when pasting) auto-wraps words to the next row when the complete word does not fit on the current row.
•  Move Cursor: If enabled, BlueZone moves the cursor after edit / paste operations.
•  Treat Tabs as Spaces: If enabled, BlueZone pastes a space character when encountering a Tab in the paste data.
♦  Number of Spaces Listbox: Used to control the number of spaces that are pasted when the Treat Tabs as Spaces check box is enabled.
•  Stop Pasting when Protected Row Encountered: If enabled, when pasting into a BlueZone session, the paste function stops when it encounters a protected row.
This feature only works with Paste with Columns Aligned and Paste using Field Delimiters.
•  Paste Range: Number of Paste-Protected Rows Starting from Bottom of Screen. Check this box and enter the number of Paste-Protected Rows in the listbox.
Continue Paste tab
Continue Paste
The Continue Paste group is used to configure Paste operations when the Clipboard buffer contains more data than will fit into the host screen:
•  Enable Continue Paste: When pasting data into a BlueZone session, if the amount of data in the clipboard is greater than the screen that you are pasting into, using the Enable Continue Paste feature allows you to be able to page down and continue pasting data until all the data is pasted.
•  Auto Send Function Key: If enabled then BlueZone auto-sends the specified function key when the clipboard buffer contains more data than will fit into the host screen.
♦  Drop-Down List: Used to specify a function key to auto-send when the clipboard buffer contains more data than fits into the host screen.
•  Auto-Position Cursor in new Host Screen: If enabled then BlueZone auto-positions the cursor after the new host screen is displayed.
♦  Row: Used to specify the row number for auto-positioning of the cursor after the new host screen is displayed.
♦  Column: Used to specify the column number for auto-positioning of the cursor after the new host screen is displayed.
•  Auto-Paste Continued Text into New Host Screen: If enabled then BlueZone auto-pastes the continued data into the new host screen.