Color Scheme
The Color Scheme group is used to select a color scheme or make an individual color selection:
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Black on White: Use this radio button to set the session display background color to white and the foreground color to black. Attribute
and Extended Colors automatically change to black.
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White on Black: With this radio button enabled, the session displays a background color of black and the foreground color of white. Attribute
and Extended Colors automatically change to white.
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Color: Sets the background and foreground of the session display to use the colors as defined. To change an individual color select
the item to change then select a color square or click Customize.
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Customize: Click to change the color of the currently selected item. The colors available are dependent on the display hardware and
operating system configuration of the PC.
Colors / Attributes
In the BlueZone iSeries Display, Colors and Attributes are defined together. To change the color of a particular attribute:
1. |
Locate the particular attribute you want to change in the Colors / Attributes scroll box and select it by clicking its radio button.
Note You may have to use the scroll bar in order to find the particular attribute you are looking for.
2. |
Select the desired color from the standard Windows color palette under the Color Scheme section on the left. The color box
for that attribute changes to the selected color.
3. |
Click Apply or OK. The changes take effect.
Attribute Overrides
In BlueZone iSeries Display, it is possible to change the associated attribute behavior of a particular attribute.
To give you an idea how this feature works, try this exercise.
1. |
While on the main iSeries login screen, locate the Green/Underscore attribute and select its radio button. The default color
is green. In the Attribute Overrides section, the Underscore check box is checked.
2. |
Change the color to yellow by clicking the yellow square in the Windows color palette located on the left hand side of the
dialog. Click Apply. The underscores change to yellow.
3. |
Check the Reverse Image check box and click Apply. The underscores change to yellow boxes with a black line at the bottom.
4. |
Clear the Underscore check box and click Apply button. The black lines (really underscores) disappear leaving only the yellow boxes.
If you like, you can experiment with other color and override settings. If you are not happy with the results, you can always
click Default All to set all colors and attributes back to their default values.
Display Column Separators as Points
Use this check box to turn iSeries Column Separators into very tiny points.
Default All Button
Click to set all colors associated with all attributes back to their default values.