5250 Emulation tab
The Translation group is used to select a translate language and if needed to configure the Translate Tables. Choices include:
•  Language (CCSID): Used to select the translate language.
The language must correspond to the Windows operating system language.
•  Euro: Check this box to include support for the Euro currency symbol.
Refer to Configuring Euro support for more information.
•  Translate Tables: Configures the translate tables.
Refer to Editing the translate tables for more information.
•  Change DBCS Font: Active only when a DBCS (double-byte character set) language page is selected. This button allows you to select the specific DBCS font that you want to use with the selected language page.
Refer to Configuring DBCS support for more information.
Default Screen Model Type
This group is used to configure the IBM Terminal model that you want to emulate. Use the drop-down menu to display the list of IBM terminals.
•  IBM Terminal:
♦  IBM-3179-2 (24 x 80 Color)
♦  IBM-3180-2 (27 x 132 Monochrome)
♦  IBM-3196-A1 (24 x 80 Monochrome)
♦  IBM-3477-FC (27 x 132 Color)
♦  IBM-3477-FG (27 x 132 Monochrome)
♦  IBM-5251-11 (24 x 80 Monochrome)
♦  IBM-5291-1 (24 x 80 Monochrome)
♦  IBM-5292-2 (24 x 80 Color)
♦  IBM-5555-B01 (24 x 80 DBCS Monochrome)
♦  IBM-5555-C01 (27 x 132 DBCS Color)
♦  IBM-5555-C01 (27 x 80 DBCS Color)
•  Use Custom Device: This is used when you require a terminal that does not appear in the above list.
♦  Type: Used only when Use Custom Device is active.
♦  Model: Used only when Use Custom Device is active.
Keyboard Type Ahead
Select the Type Ahead mode that you require clicking the corresponding radio button:
•  Disabled: If selected, the Type Ahead buffer feature is disabled.
•  Normal - Next Screen: If selected, keystrokes can be typed continuously. All screens received from the host are displayed.
•  Advanced - Last Screen: If selected, keystrokes can be typed continuously. Only the last host screen is displayed.
Used to configure 5250 Emulation options:
•  Smart Screen Updates:  If enabled, BlueZone does a comparison of the current host screen and only updates what has changed. If disabled, BlueZone paints the entire new host screen.
•  Auto-Retrieve Help Text: If enabled, and a four digit error code is encountered, BlueZone automatically displays the error message sent from the iSeries host without having to press the "Help" key.