Installing Web Manager
Currently, this Upgrade Procedure only works with BlueZone Java Web Manager versions 3.2 and higher. To upgrade from an earlier version, use the previous Command Line Synch procedure to upgrade to version 3.2, then use this Upgrade Procedure.
the Command Line Synch procedure, please refer to the BlueZone
Java Web Manager Upgrade Procedure Version 3.3.
It is our intention to support upgrading from Java Web Manager 3.1 and higher. The Upgrade functionality will increase in backward-compatibility and reliability over time as new features are added, and the process is refined and tested as extensively as possible.
The best way to upgrade the Web Manager is to run the new version in parallel with the current application, then run the upgrade script from the new version, and finally point users to the new version. This has the benefit of leaving the current production Web Manager untouched during the upgrade, allowing the BlueZone Administrator to direct users to the new installation only after it has been properly tested, with the old installation available for instant reversion if necessary.
Copy the current version
of Web Manager to a name which will not conflict with the current application.
For example, if the current Web Manager is running in the servlet container
at '[web app root]/swm/' folder (having been unpacked from 'swm.war'),
then name the new folder to 'swmA' or any other suitable name.
The goal of this step is to have two Web Managers running side by side
at '/swm' and '/swmA'.
Stop the Servlet Container prior to running the upgrade. This will ensure that when the container is restarted it will reload the new Web Manager software.
Copy the 'upgrade.jar' and either the 'upgrade.bat' or '' file to the newly created Web Manager root (swmA). Which script file you choose, depends on whether your OS is Windows or UNIX/Linux, respectively. These upgrade files will be available on the BlueZone CD Image, in the 'Web Manager - Java' folder.
Go to the command line
of the OS and navigate to the newly created Web Manager root (swmA). Execute
the batch/script file appropriate for your OS. If
you are unsure of how to do this, please consult a knowledgeable system
administrator within your organization.
This will upgrade the Web Manager's software and the BlueZone software.
Test the new Web Manager to be sure it is properly configured.
Use whatever features
your servlet container provides to redirect users to the new Web Manager.
In Tomcat,
simply stop the Tomcat service, rename 'swm' to 'swm_old' then rename
'swmA' to 'swm' and restart Tomcat.
Now users will reach the new installation of Web Manager. If
necessary, consult your servlet container's documentation.
The benefit of this technique is that now the 'old' version is still
available and running if for some reason you should need to switch back
to it.