BlueZone Secure FTP Locking

BlueZone Secure FTP locking is a little different from BlueZone Feature locking  There are multiple levels of BlueZone Secure FTP locking.

  1. Inheriting Common Lock Values from BlueZone - There are several features that BlueZone and BlueZone Secure FTP have in common.  The locking of one or more of these common features can be inherited by BlueZone Secure FTP.

For example, you may wish to lock BlueZone's Session settings.  You can configure BlueZone Secure FTP to inherit the Session Lock setting from BlueZone.

  1. Locking Specific FTP Functions - Naturally, BlueZone Secure FTP has FTP functionality that doesn't exist in BlueZone.  You can configure BlueZone Secure FTP to lock one or more specific FTP functions.  Some of the functions are program related and some are FTP commands.

For example, If you are using BlueZone Secure FTP to upload files only, you can prevent your end users from being able to use BlueZone Secure FTP to download files by locking the FTP Retrieve (RETR) command.

  1. Locking Individual BlueZone Secure FTP Features - If for any reason, using the Inherit feature is too restrictive, you can choose to configure BlueZone Secure FTP features on a more granular basis.

Inheriting Common Lock Values from BlueZone

By default, BlueZone Secure FTP does not inherit any of the BlueZone Lock Settings.  As an option, BlueZone Secure FTP can inherit three of BlueZone’s Lock Settings.  These common settings are shown in green in the BlueZone Feature Lock Table.

If you want BlueZone Secure FTP to inherit these lock settings from BlueZone, place 1024 in the LockFTP= setting as shown here in red:




If you want any additional BlueZone Secure FTP Function Lock options, simply add those values to 1024, and place that sum in the LockFTP= setting.

Refer to the Locking Specific FTP Functions below for more information.

Locking Specific FTP Functions

There are two categories of specific BlueZone Secure FTP functions:

SEE  The BlueZone Secure FTP Command & Feature Lock Table located in Appendix C • Tables for Lock values.

Each FTP command or program feature listed in the table can be locked individually, or if you want to lock more than one item, simply add the values of the items together and place that value in the LockFTP= setting.

For example, if you want to prevent your end users from being able to create a new directory and prevent them from changing the BlueZone Secure FTP host configuration settings, add the Block Make Directory Command value of 32 and the Lock Configuration Settings value of 8 together for a total of 40.  Replace the 0 value with 40 as shown here in red:



Locking Individual BlueZone Secure FTP Features

In some cases, you might find the Inheriting Common Lock Values from BlueZone feature too restrictive.  If this is the case, you can choose to lock BlueZone Secure FTP features on a more granular basis.  Several BlueZone Secure FTP dialogs can be locked item by item where others can be disabled completely.

Locking is simply a way to disable or "gray out" one or more features or an entire dialog.  In most cases, users will still be able to see the locked features, but they will not be able to change or otherwise access them.

The following dialogs can be customized by disabling each individual item.

In Session Configuration:

In the New, Edit or Copy Dialogs:

The remainder of the dialogs can only be completely disabled:

This is accomplished by editing the SETUP.INI.  The following is a portion of the SETUP.INI file with the FTP lock entries that pertain to this discussion, shown in red.




Locking the Session Configuration Dialogs

The Session Configuration Lock Table contains the values needed to lock one or more individual features of the Session Configuration dialog.  The Session Configuration dialog in BlueZone Secure FTP consists of multiple tabs.  Only the items located on the Connections tab and the Options tab can be locked.  To lock the License Server tab, please refer to Inheriting Common Lock Values from BlueZone above.

The two tabs that are controlled by this table are the Connections tab and the Options tab.  To lock a single item, place the value assigned to that item in the LockFTPSession= entry in the SETUP.INI file.  To lock more than one item, add the values together and place the result in the LockFTPSession= entry.

For example, to lock only the New button, place a 2 in the LockFTPSession= entry as shown here:


To lock the New, Edit and Copy buttons, add, 2, 4 and 8 together and place the result in the LockFTPSession= entry as shown here:


SEE  Click here to see the Session Lock Table

NOTE  Entering a -1 will lock all the items located on the Connections and Options tabs.

Locking the Connection Dialog

In addition to the Connections tab and the Options tab, there are items located on several tabbed dialogs located inside the main Session Configuration dialog.  These additional dialogs can be accessed via the New, Edit or Copy buttons.

The same procedure applies here.  To lock one or more items, add the assigned values together and place that value in the LockFTPConnection= entry in the SETUP.INI file.

SEE  Click here to see the Connection Lock Table

NOTE  Entering a -1 will lock all the items located on the Connection tab.

Locking the Miscellaneous Dialog

Once again, the same procedure applies here.  To lock one or more items, add the assigned values together and place that value in the LockFTPMiscellaneous= entry in the SETUP.INI file.

SEE  Click here to see the Miscellaneous Lock Table

NOTE  Entering a -1 will lock all the items located on the Miscellaneous tab.

Locking the Additional Dialogs

The following dialogs can only be completely locked.  The individual items can not be individually locked as in the above dialogs.  To lock any of the following dialogs, place a 1 in the corresponding entry in the SETUP.INI file.

SEE  Click here to see the Additional Items Table

Related Topics:

BlueZone Feature Locking