The GUI property page of the Display Options property sheet is used to configure HotSpots in the Session Window. From the BlueZone VT MenuBar, select Options:Display... or click the right mouse button while holding the mouse pointer over the session window and choose Display Options.... Choose the GUI tab.
HotSpots ----
The HotSpots Options group is used to configure session HotSpots.
Enable HotSpots: If enabled, BlueZone will create HotSpots in the session window.
Display HotSpots as Buttons: This feature is not available in BlueZone VT.
Use Mouse Pointer and Colors to Show HotSpots: If enabled, HotSpots will be invisible until the mouse pointer is positioned over them. In that case the configured foreground and background colors are used to reveal the HotSpot.
Foreground Color: Used to set the HotSpot foreground color.
Background Color: Used to set the HotSpot background color.
Customize: Select the Customize button to customize HotSpots functionality.
more information, see Customize HotSpots
Button below
Expand HotSpots to Include Associated Text: If enabled, the HotSpot will expand to include any associated text. For example, a HotSpot labeled ‘F3’ may expand to a HotSpot labeled ‘F3=Exit’.
Expand HotSpots Across Single Spaces: If enabled, the HotSpot will expand across single spaces.
Edit ----
This feature is not available in BlueZone VT.
Auto-GUI On / Off ----
This feature is not available in BlueZone VT.
Options ----
The Options group contains controls for the configuration of session HotSpots.
Turn "Number" Strings into HotSpots: This feature is not available in BlueZone VT.
Turn "Number+Period" Strings into HotSpots: If enabled, HotSpots will be created for number strings that are enclosed by spaces on the left and a period(.) on the right.
Turn "HTTP://" Strings into HotSpots (Auto-Launch Web Browser to URL): If enabled, "http://" strings will be used to auto-launch the web browser to the designated address.
Turn "File://" Strings into HotSpots (Auto-Open File): If enabled, "file://" strings will be used to auto-open the designated file.
Custom Search Strings: Displays a list of the currently configured custom HotSpots search strings. BlueZone will search the session window each time a host write occurs and will create a HotSpot if the search string is found.
New: Used to define a new custom search string.
Edit: Used to edit the currently highlighted custom search string.
Delete: Used to remove the currently highlighted custom search string from the list.
Default Custom Settings Button: Used to restore the search strings and action lists to their default values.
HotSpot Action ----
Used to select the type of HotSpot action you wish to create. Possible actions are VT Function, Send Tex or Play Script. To change the action simply select a different entry from the list.
VT Function: If selected, you must select the specific VT function that you want to associate with the custom HotSpot.
Function: Select the specific VT function that you want to associate with the custom HotSpot from this list.
Send Text: If selected, you must enter the specific text that you want to associate with the custom HotSpot.
Text to send: Enter the specific text that you want to associate with the custom HotSpot in this box.
Play Script: If selected, you must enter the specific script file name that you want to associate with the custom HotSpot.
Script to play: Enter the specific script file name that you want to associate with the custom HotSpot in this box.
Browse: Click this button to browse to the BlueZone VT script folder so that you can slect the script file that you want to associate with the custom HotSpot.
HotSpot Location ----
Row: Used to select a specific row for the custom HotSpot. If you want the custom HotSpot to be enabled anywhere on the screen, select "Any".
Column: Used to select a specific column for the custom HotSpot. If you want the custom HotSpot to be enabled anywhere on the screen, select "Any".