Display Options

How To Script a HotSpot

In the Customize HotSpots dialog, one of the available options that can be selected is Play Script.  This feature allows you to identify an existing or custom text string that appears on the screen, and associate a script with that string.

Here's an example.  Suppose that critical customer information, like account balance, is located on a different host.  Also, let's suppose that you developed a BlueZone script that automatically launches a new BlueZone session that retrieves the customer's account balance and displays it to the user.

Now, you can create a custom Search String that will be used to launch the script.

This procedure uses BlueZone Mainframe Display as an example.


  1. From the BlueZone MenuBar select Options::Display, or click the Display icon on the BlueZone ToolBar.  The Display Options dialog will be displayed.

  2. Click the GUI tab.  The GUI dialog will be displayed.

  3. Verify that the Enable HotSpots checkbox is checked.

  4. Click thew Customize button.  The Customize HotSpots dialog will be displayed.

  5. Click the New button.  The Define Custom Search dialog will be displayed.

  6. Enter the string of characters that will be used to create a HotSpot that will be used to launch the script.

  7. Click the OK button.  The new Custom Search String will be displayed.

  8. With the new Custom Search String selected, go to the Action / 3270 Function: edit box and choose Play Script.  An editbox will be displayed.

  9. Enter the name of the script that you want to be associated with your new Custom Search String.

  10. Click the OK button.


Whenever the defined string appears on the screen, it will be turned into a button or highlighted when you mouse over the string.  This behaviour is controlled by the options selected on the GUI tab in Display Options.

When the HotSpot is clicked, it will launch the associated script defined above.

Related Topics:

HotSpots & GUI Mode