Prior to establishing a host system connection, BlueZone users must set Session Configuration parameters. A Session configuration consists of:
Selecting a Connection Type and configuring its connection settings.
Selecting a language and configuring the emulation settings.
BlueZone can connect to the mainframe host system in one of several ways: Microsoft SNA Server, Renex Async Protocol, TN3270/TN3270E, IBM Communications Server for NT, or IntranetWare for SAA. TN3270/TN3270E is by far the most prevalent type of connection. TN3270E supports both display and printer data streams.
From the BlueZone MenuBar, choose Session:Configure. The Session Configuration dialog will appear.
Communications Library ----
BlueZone displays the available host connection options. Select the appropriate link for additional configuration information.
NOTE BlueZone
will default to the Connection Type
that was chosen during installation.
Connection Type:
Microsoft SNA Server - Select to connect to the host system using an NT Server running the Microsoft SNA Server software.
Microsoft SNA Client must be installed on the PC in which BlueZone is
running before the connection can be made.
Renex Async Protocol - Select to connect to the host system using a Renex TMS or RPad Communications Controller.
TN3270E/TN3270E- Select to connect to the host system via TCP/IP using the TN3270/TN3270E protocol.
IBM Communications Server - Select to connect to the host system using an NT Server running the IBM Communications Server software. NOTE: The IBM Communications Server Client must be installed on the PC in which BlueZone is running before the connection can be made.
IntranetWare for SAA - Select to connect to the host system using an NT Server running the IntranetWare for SAA software. NOTE: The IntranetWare for SAA Client must be installed on the PC in which BlueZone is running before the connection can be made.
Use Custom LUA-RUI Compliant Dynamic Link Library: Used to select a custom Connection Type for BlueZone to use when connecting to the host system. The Dynamic Link Library (DLL) specified must be LUA (Logical Unit Addressing)-RUI (Request Unit Interface) compliant.
Browse: Allows you to enter the path and file name of the Dynamic Link Library DLL
LU Name: Enter the LU /Pool Name to use when using the Custom Library Link above.
Configure: Click here to configure the highlighted connection.
Options ----
After selecting the Connection Type, select from the following options:
Auto-Connect Session: If enabled, BlueZone will auto-connect the session after the communications library has initialized.
Auto-Reconnect Session (when Deactivated by Host) in: If enabled, BlueZone will auto-connect the session if the LU being used is varied off on the host system while a BlueZone session is active in the number of seconds specified in the list box. 0 through 10 seconds can be selected.
NOTE The LU obtained by the re-connect will not be
the same as with the prior session.
Prompt on Disconnect: If enabled, BlueZone will display a message box "Are you sure you want to disconnect and close session?" whenever an attempt is made to disconnect a host session, or when the BlueZone application is closed with an active host session.
Auto-Close Session on Disconnect: If enabled, the BlueZone application will auto-close after disconnecting from the host system.
Connect Retry: If enabled, BlueZone will try to connect to the host the number of times selected in the Retry up to list box and use the interval selected in the times, retrying every list box.
NOTE The LU obtained by the re-connect might not be
the same as with the prior session.
Translation ----
The Translation group is used to select a translate language and if needed to configure the Translate Tables. Choices include:
Language (CCSID): Used to select the translate language and Code Page. The Code Page is the number shown in parentheses to the right of the language. Example: English (U.S.) (37)
The language
should correspond to the Windows operating system language.
Euro: Check to include support for the Euro currency symbol.
to Configure Euro Support for more information.
Translate Tables: Used to configure the Translate Tables for both EBCDIC to ASCII character translation and also for EBCDIC to ASCII IND$FILE transfer translation.
to Edit the Translate Tables for more information.
Change DBCS Font: This button is only active when a DBCS (Double Byte Character Set) language page is selected. Allows you to select the specific DBCS font that you want to use with the selected language page. DBCS languages have the characters DBCS at the end of their name.
to Configure DBCS Support for more information.
Default Screen Model Type ----
The Default Screen Model Type group is used to select an IBM Default Terminal Model for 3270 emulation.
this option is "grayed out", it's because the Override
3270 Emulation Model Type checkbox, located on the Device tab,
in TN3270E Properties, is enabled. The
override feature must be disabled in order to select a different model
type from the drop down listbox. To
go to the help for Override 3270 Emulation Model Type, click
Choices are:
Model 2 (24 X 80)
Model 3 (32 X 80)
Model 4 (43 X 80)
Model 5 (27 X 132)
Model 3290 (62 X 160)
Custom Size (the display will show the currently selected custom values)
set a Default or Alternate "Custom Model Size", select Custom
Size from the Default Screen Model Type drop down list. A
pop-up dialog will appear, allowing you to independently set both the
Default and Alternate screen sizes. The
maximum custom screen size is 98 X 160.
Send Only Alternate Size in Usable Area Query Reply: This option is used only for situations where the host is not sending unformatted screens without specifying a model type.
Features ----
Enables control over 3270 Display Features.
Use Extended Attributes: If enabled, allows support for extended colors, underlining, blinking, etc.
Use Multiple Explicit Partitions: If enabled, BlueZone will support explicit screen partitioning. Can only be enabled if Use Extended Attributes is selected.
Enable Vector Graphics: If enabled, allows support for Host Graphics terminal support.
Enable Programmed Symbols: If enabled, allows support for Programmed Symbols.
Enable Field Validation: If enabled, allows the validation of the following three field validation types:
Mandatory Fill
Mandatory Entry
3270 Numeric Field Options ----
Selects the way that BlueZone handles 3270 Numeric Fields.
Allow All Characters: If enabled, all characters will be allowed in 3270 Numeric Fields.
Numeric and Shifted Only: If enabled, only numeric and shifted characters will be allowed in 3270 Numeric Fields.
Numeric Characters Only: If enabled, only numeric characters will be allowed in 3270 Numeric Fields.
Keyboard Type Ahead ----
Controls Keyboard Type Ahead features and functions.
Disabled: If selected, disables the Type-Ahead buffer feature.
Normal - Next Screen: If selected, keystrokes can be typed continuously. All screens received from the host will be displayed.
Advanced - Last Screen: If selected, keystrokes can be typed continuously. Only the last host screen will be displayed.
TN3270/E Flush Buffer Delay: Used to set the amount of time to wait after a keyboard restore is received from the host system before releasing the typed-ahead data into the next host screen. Because each tick mark below the slider control represents 50 milliseconds, the delay time can rang from 0 to 2 seconds.
Options ----
Smart Screen Updates: If enabled, BlueZone will do a comparison of the current host screen and will only update what has changed. If disabled, BlueZone paint the entire new host screen.
Ignore X Prog Errors: If enabled, BlueZone will suspend notifications of host program errors.
Word Wrap: If enabled, BlueZone will perform a word wrap from one field to another field directly beneath it and of the same length, or in long, multi-line fields.
Line Wrap on Delete: - If enabled, when editing multi-line data, BlueZone will move data from the lines below to fill the editing line. With this feature disabled, BlueZone will only move data on the editing line.
The License Server Tab is used to store the IP address of the BlueZone License Manager server. This is necessary when using a "Concurrent" licensing scheme.
License Manager Tab will only appear if you are using a "Licensed"
copy of BlueZone. If
you currently "evaluating" BlueZone, this tab will not appear.
License Servers ----
Use this group to configure your BlueZone License Manager IP address.
Add Server: Place the IP address of the server or servers that are running the BlueZone License Manager in this field and click the Add button.
If your
BlueZone License Manager is using
a Listening Port other than the default of 8421, you must add the configured
port number to the end of the IP address, using a coma as a separator.
NOT use a colon ( : ) between
the IP Address and the Port number. You
must use a coma as shown in the example above.
Server List: This will display the IP addresses of your BlueZone License Manager server (if any).
Use the Remove and Clear buttons as needed.
Group Information ----
This field is only used if you are using the Group feature of the BlueZone License Manager.
Group Name: Place the name of the Group in this field.
License Manager Administrator's Guide for more information on the
Group feature.
All BlueZone
documentation can be found on the BlueZone
CD-ROM or BlueZone CD image.
To locate
a particular document, double click the DocumentationRoadmap.htm
document located in the root of the BlueZone CD-ROM or BlueZone CD image.
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