Modes of Operation |
Chapter 3 |
If you are installing BlueZone version 3.3 or above, on top of an existing pre-3.3 BlueZone installation, all your existing Session Profiles that are currently stored in the Windows registry, will be converted to Session Profiles (configuration files).
you are a new BlueZone Customer and are installing BlueZone for the fist
time, no conversion is necessary.
Converting from Registry Mode to Profile Mode is a function built into the Session Manager. The first time the Session Manager runs in Profile Mode, it checks the Registry for BlueZone configurations and converts them to Session Profile files. Once converted, the Session Profiles appear in the Session Manager. BlueZone uses the Registry Key name as the Session Profile file name.
BlueZone will automatically assign Profile Session names to your existing Session Profiles. For example, if you had three Mainframe sessions stored in the windows registry, S1, S2 and S3, they would be converted to Session Profiles with the following names:
Mainframe Display S1.zmd
Mainframe Display S2.zmd
Mainframe Display S3.zmd
All three sessions will appear in the BlueZone Session Manager with the Connection Name as the icon label. All three Session Profiles will automatically be created and placed in your BlueZone \Config folder.