Using the Display Interface

View Properties

Power Pads Tab

Power Pads are configured using the Power Pads tab of the View Properties dialog.

To make an existing Power Pad launch with your BlueZone session:

  1. From the BlueZone  MenuBar, choose View:Properties and click the Power Pads tab.  You will be presented with the Power Pads Settings dialog as shown here:

  1. In the Power Pad File Selection section, a list of sample Power Pads will be displayed in the Available Power Pads list on the left.

These sample Power Pads mimic the old default Power Keys.  The BZMenu Power Pad contains all the default BlueZone Menu Power Keys.  The other sample Power Pads (3270Functions, 5250Functions, etc.) contain all the default Function Power Keys for each BlueZone emulation client.  The names of the sample Power Pads match the emulation client.

  1. In the Settings section at the top, make sure that the Show Power Pads checkbox is enabled.  This checkbox must be enabled in order for the Power Pads shown in the Active Power Pads list to be displayed on the desktop.  If this checkbox is not enabled, the Power Pads will remain in the Active Power Pads list but will not be displayed on the desktop.

  2. Highlight the desired Power Pads in the Available Power Pads list and click the Add button.  The selected Power Pads will be added to the Active Power Pads list on the right.

  3. Click the OK button and all active Power Pads will launch.

  4. Save and close the BlueZone emulation session.

The next time you launch this BlueZone session, the Power Pads that you added to the Active Power Pads list will launch at the same time.

NOTE  Closing a Power Pad, by clicking the Power Pad's X, during a BlueZone session will not remove it from the Active Power Pads list.  This only temporarily closes the Power Pad.

Controlling Power Pads

If you want to temporarily turn off all Power Pads, without removing them from the Active Power Pads list, un-check the Show Power Pads checkbox located in the Settings section.  Also, if desired, you can add a Toggle Power Pads icon to the BlueZone ToolBar to toggle the Power Pads in your Active Power Pads list, on and off.

SEE  View Properties under ToolBar Settings and choose the desired ToolBar Settings link for help with customizing the BlueZone ToolBar.

New and Edit Buttons

Clicking the New or Edit buttons will cause the Power Pad Editor to launch.

SEE  The Power Pad Editor for more information.

Refresh Button

The Refresh button is used when you have just created a new Power Pad that does not yet appear in the Available Power Pads list.

Remove Button

To remove a Power Pad from the Active Power Pads list, use the Remove button.

Next Power Pad Feature

Power Pads can take up a lot of room on your desktop.  It is possible to create multiple Power Pads and have them all occupy the same exact spot on your desktop.  In order to display each Power Pad in turn, use the Next Power Pad feature.

The Next Power Pad feature is accessed via the BlueZone MenuBar.  Select View:Next Power Pad from the menu.  Focus will be given to each Power Pad in turn.

Also, by default, there is a Next Power Pad icon on the BlueZone ToolBar, which when clicked, will select the next Power Pad in your Active Power Pads list.

SEE  View Properties under ToolBar Settings and choose the desired ToolBar Settings link for help with customizing the BlueZone ToolBar.

Related Topics:

Power Pads Overview

Power Pad Editor - Introduction