Using the Display Interface
This procedure is intended to provide a step-by-step outline to demonstrate how an end user can use BlueZone to record a script that can then be used over and over again.
The example used in this script shows how you can automate the process of logging on to TSO on an IBM 3270 Mainframe and automatically navigating to the ISPF Primary Option Menu. Note that logging on to TSO requires a password. There will be more on how passwords are treated during script recording later in this procedure.
Launch a BlueZone Mainframe Display session and connect to your host.
Form the BlueZone MenuBar, select Script::Record
or, click the Record Script icon on the ToolBar.
A standard Windows file dialog be displayed as shown here:
Give the script a name like TSO Logon and click the Save button.
you do from now on will be recorded by BlueZone.
Log on to TSO and navigate to the place where you want the script to stop recording. This can be as many or few screens as you like. I stopped on the ISPF Primary Option Menu as shown here:
Stop the script recording
by selecting Script::Stop from
the BlueZone MenuBar or click
on the Stop Script icon on the ToolBar.
Your script is recorded.
To play your script, follow these steps. Make sure that you are logged off the host before proceeding.
Select Script::Play
from the BlueZone MenuBar or click the Script Play icon
on the ToolBar.
A standard Windows file dialog will be displayed.
Select the script that you just created and click the Open button.
At this point your script will run. If your script required a password during the recording process, a dialog box will pop up as shown here:
This happens because the BlueZone Script Recorder is smart enough to detect that a password field was encountered during the recording process and automatically substituted a dialog box for the password. The BlueZone Script Recorder did not record the password that you typed during the recording process.
is a safety feature designed to prevent end users from recording scripts
that contain passwords.
Enter the password and press the Enter key. The script will continue until it gets to the place where you stopped recording.
If the
Script Status Window (as shown below) was displayed while the script was
running, it's because the Display Script Status Window checkbox is checked.
The purpose of this window is to aid during the development of BlueZone scripts. If you do not want this window being displayed during script playback, you can disable it by following these steps:
Select Script::Properties from the BlueZone MenuBar. The Script Properties dialog will be displayed as shown here:
Un-check the Display Script Status Window checkbox.
Click the OK button.
From now on, when you play a BlueZone script, the Script Status Window will no longer be displayed.
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