How To Guide

BlueZone Web-to-Host


The purpose of the How To Guide is provide detailed step-by-step instructions on "How To" accomplish BlueZone Web-to-Host related tasks using a combination of the Web-to-Host Wizard as well as manual configuration tools.

The How To Guide has a Table of Contents that categorized and arranged in a logical sequence starting with basic tasks working your way up to more complex tasks.

Each "How To" has a header at the top that is designed to give you quick access to necessary information.

The following is an example of a header which appears at the top of each "How To" page:

How to Deliver Scripts to Your End Users

BlueZone Script Delivery: Click here to learn more about this feature

BlueZone Web-to-Host has the ability to "push out" virtually any file you wish to your End User's workstations.  This feature can be used to "push out" BlueZone script files.

Before you can "push out" BlueZone script files, they must exist, and be placed in the proper location on the web server.

Configuration Method: Web-to-Host Wizard

Feature Scope: Global Level Feature


    1. Copy the script file to the...


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Table of Contents