How To Guide - Advanced

BlueZone Web-to-Host

How to Change the Base Registry Setting

Base Registry Setting: Click here to learn more about this feature

This option controls where BlueZone will store information in the Windows Registry.

The default setting is 2 - All Data in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.  This setting is necessary to support Windows workstations with Restricted Users.  It is usually not necessary to change this setting, and we recommend that you leave this setting at 2.

Possible settings are:

Configuration Method: Manual Configuration

Feature Scope: Launch Folder Level Feature

IMPORTANT!  If you do change the Base Registry value to something other than the default value of 2, we highly recommend that you change it in all Sites and Launch Folders and make the values the same for all.


  1. On the web server, navigate to the desired Site that you wish to change.

For example:



  1. Locate and display the contents of the \template folder.

  2. Locate the default.ini file and edit it with Notepad.

  3. Locate the BaseRegistry=2 entry [BlueZone] section.

  4. Change the current value to the desired new value.  Valid settings are 0,1 or 2.

From this point on, all Sessions launched from this Launch Folder, will use the new Base Registry Setting.

NOTE  If you have already created one or more Launch Folders, you will have to go to each existing Launch Folder, and edit the default.ini file, changing the BaseRegistry= to the desired value.