Installing BlueZone

Chapter 2

Upgrading BlueZone Version 3.2 or Earlier


This procedure is written specifically for upgrading BlueZone versions 3.2 or earlier.  It is important to review the entire BlueZone Upgrade Procedure before proceeding.

Starting with BlueZone version 4.1, BlueZone uses an MSI type installer (InstallShield Wizard), to keep track of all the installed BlueZone files.  Since you are upgrading a version of BlueZone 3.2 or earlier, this is the first time that the InstallShield Wizard has had an opportunity to run.  This means that for this upgrade only, you will be performing what is essentially a BlueZone installation.  In the future, BlueZone upgrades will be under the control of the InstallShield Wizard and therefore much easier to perform.

IMPORTANT!  Please be aware that starting with version 3.3, BlueZone defaults to Profile Mode.  Prior to version 3.3, the default mode for BlueZone was Registry Mode.  In Registry Mode, all your BlueZone session configurations were stored in the Windows registry.  In Profile Mode, all your session configurations are stored in files called Profiles.  To convert to Profile Mode, all you have to do is install BlueZone (using the default settings) on top of your current installation.  When the installation is complete, launching the BlueZone Session Manager will automatically convert all your Registry settings to Profiles.

We recommend that you do not use the Desktop Shortcuts to launch BlueZone sessions.  Instead, use the BlueZone Session Manager to launch your sessions.  However, if you already have BlueZone desktop shortcuts on your desktop, they will remain there after the upgrade is completed.

As mentioned above, the BlueZone Session Manager, will automatically convert your BlueZone configuration Registry entries into Profiles.  The following naming format will be used:

BlueZone Session

Profile Name

Mainframe Display, Session 1

Mainframe Display S1.zmd

Mainframe Printer, Session 1

Mainframe Printer P1.zmp

iSeries Display, Session 1

iSeries Display S1.zad

iSeries Printer, Session 1

iSeries Printer P1.zap

BlueZone VT Session 1

VT S1.zvt

BlueZone FTP Session 1

FTP T1.zft


If you have more than one session defined, the file name will be named accordingly.  For example, Mainframe Display Session 2 will be named Mainframe Display S2.zmd.

Later, you will see that in Profile Mode, BlueZone places the name of the Profile in the upper left hand corner of the emulator, immediately to the right of the session number.  If you wish, you can change the name of the Profile to a name that is more meaningful.

If you are ready to upgrade, continue with the following BlueZone Upgrade Procedure.

When the installation is complete, launch the new BlueZone Session Manager to convert your BlueZone configuration Registry entries into Profiles.  Your BlueZone Registry entries will be automatically removed.

BlueZone Upgrade Procedure

  1. Insert the BlueZone CD-ROM into your computer's CD/DVD drive.  The Welcome to BlueZone "Splash Screen" will appear.

  2. Click on the BlueZone Desktop link and select BlueZone Desktop.  You will be presented with the main BlueZone Installation Language screen.

  3. Select the desired language from the drop down list and press the OK button.  You will be presented with the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for BlueZone screen.

  4. Click the Next button.  You will be presented with the License Agreement screen.

  5. To proceed, select the "I accept the terms in the license agreement" radio button and click the Next button.  You will be presented with the Destination Folder screen.

  6. Change the Installation and Working Directories as needed or take the default (recommended) and click the Next button.  You will be presented with the Component Selection screen.

  7. Review the default selections.  Use the scroll bar on the right hand side view all components.  By default, some BlueZone components are selected for installation and some are not.  The components that have a diskette icon will be installed and the components that have a red X icon will not be installed.  With your mouse pointer, left click the BlueZone components you wish to change.  Also, choose whether you want BlueZone to be available to all users of just yourself.

NOTE  For a description of a particular component, highlight the component with your mouse pointer and read the Feature Description, which will appear on the right hand side of the screen.

  1. Click the Next button.  The Choose Activation File screen will be displayed.  Since this is an upgrade, you should already have a Software Activation File (SAF) stored on your hard drive in the location where your previous version of BlueZone was installed.  If you have not changed the location where the BlueZone files will be installed, you do not have to do anything.

If you have changed the BlueZone installation location, then use the Browse button to browse to the location where your SAF file installed.

  1. Click the Next button.  The Ready to Install the Program screen will be displayed.

  2. Click the Install button.  The following message will be displayed:

  1. Click the Yes button.  The following message will be displayed:

  1. Click the No button.  The InstallShield Wizard will now install the required BlueZone files.  When the installation is complete, you will receive a message that the BlueZone installation was completed successfully.

  2. Click the Finish button to exit the Wizard.  You will receive a restart your system message.  In order to complete the upgrade process, you must restart your system.

  3. Click the Yes button.

  4. After your system has restarted, launch the BlueZone Session Manager by launching it from the BlueZone Session Manager desktop shortcut.  If you do not have a shortcut, launch the BlueZone Session Manager from your installed programs.

CAUTION!  This step is very important.  It's the launching of the BlueZone Session Manager that converts your BlueZone configurations that are stored in the Windows Registry to BlueZone profiles.  This step completes the conversion of your BlueZone installation from Registry Mode to Profile Mode.

Congratulations!  You have just successfully upgraded your version of BlueZone.

Related Topics:

Modifying BlueZone

SEAGULL Registration Wizard