Using the Display Interface
BlueZone Scripting is a powerful and flexible scripting language which uses a built-in GUI (Graphical User Interface) designed for the easy automation of tasks on host systems using the BlueZone family of host emulation products.
BlueZone Script Editor is an easy to use and intuitive GUI program designed to create and modify BlueZone Scripts. The BlueZone Script Editor can be launched from a BlueZone Display session or can be launched independently. Features include "drag and drop" and "double-click" script entry/edit and the ability to add powerful script events to existing script files.
The following is a screen shot of the BlueZone Script Editor.
BlueZone Script Editor uses a four pane interface. The Main Window on the left hand side is where the actual lines of BlueZone script are displayed and edited. The three panes on the right hand side contain all the possible BlueZone Script commands for that particular BlueZone emulator..
They are divided into three categories:
Script Events
LU Functions
Menu Commands
Related Topics:
Using Variables in a BlueZone Script