Session Manager |
Chapter 4 |
To create a session:
Select the desired BlueZone Session Type from the Session Type list box.
Click the Create Session button. A Windows File Name dialog will be displayed.
Give the session a file name and click the Save button.
The selected BlueZone session will launch and the Session Configuration dialog will be displayed.
Enter the necessary session information for the desired host.
Select the desired BlueZone sessions that you want to add to the Layout. For example, to select multiple sessions, hold down the Control (CTRL) key while using your mouse pointer to select the desired BlueZone Sessions, then release the Control key.
When you have all the
desired BlueZone sessions selected, click the Create
Session Layout button . A
Windows File Name dialog will be displayed.
Give the Session Layout a name and click the Save button.
A Session Layout icon will be created in Session Manager using the file name as the label.
To launch a single session:
Double click on the desired BlueZone session icon and the session will launch.
To launch multiple sessions:
Hold down the Control (CTRL) key, and with your mouse, left click to select the desired sessions.
Click the Launch Selected Sessions button.
To launch ALL sessions:
Click the Launch All Sessions button.
To delete a single session:
Select the desired BlueZone session icon with your left mouse, and click the Delete Session button.
To launch multiple sessions:
Hold down the Control (CTRL) key, and with your mouse, left click to select the desired sessions.
Click the Delete Session button.
Select the desired BlueZone Session Type you want to be displayed from the Session Filter listbox. Only BlueZone sessions of that type will be displayed.
By default, the only desktop shortcut icon that is created is for Session Manager. If desired, you can create desktop shortcut icons for any or all the BlueZone sessions in your Session Manager.
To create a single shortcut icon:
Select the desired BlueZone session icon with your left mouse, and click the Create Desktop Icon button.
To create multiple shortcut icons:
Hold down the Control (CTRL) key, and with your mouse, left click to select the desired sessions.
Click the Create Desktop Icon button.
Related Topics:
Using Session Manager in Profile Mode
Using Session Manager in Registry Mode