OLE Automation
BlueZone supports OLE/DDE links to other applications, which can be used to automate copy and paste operations.
When enabled, BlueZone establishes a "Link" with the other application. Possible uses include; automatically copying Customer information from a BlueZone emulation screen to a Microsoft Word document to perform mail merges or automatically copying data from a host screen via BlueZone, to an Excel spreadsheet. Each time the host screen changes, the data are dynamically updated in the linked application.
To enable Linking in BlueZone:
From the BlueZone MenuBar, select Options:API and check the Enable DDE Server Interface checkbox and set the HLLAPI Short Name Session Identifier to a unique value. The default is ''A''. If links to multiple BlueZone sessions are required, then each session must have a unique identifier. Set the ''Auto-assign HLLAPI Names" checkbox to eliminate having to configure each session separately.
Select the desired data in your BlueZone emulation session to be sent to the ''linked'' application by selecting it and copying it to the Windows clipboard.
TIP Once you have the area highlighted, right click
and select "Copy to Clipboard"
Establish the link in the "Linked" application:
Launch the application that you wish to "link" to BlueZone.
Position the cursor in the document where you want the BlueZone data to appear.
From the "Linked" application's menu, select Edit:Paste Special.
In the Paste Special dialog, select the ''Paste link'' radio button and ''Unformatted Text'' from the list box. The following example is the Microsoft Word Paste Special Dialog:
Click the OK button. The "Link" is now established. Each time the BlueZone screen changes, the data will be automatically updated in the "Linked" application.