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BlueZone Web-to-Host |
Append to Clipboard - Click here to learn more about this feature
A standard feature of BlueZone Display is the ability to copy data to the Windows clipboard as well as append data to data that is already residing within the clipboard. There are situations where the ability to append data to existing data is not desirable.
If this is the case, you can turn off the Append to Clipboard feature.
This is a Global Level Feature.
On the web server where BlueZone Web-to-Host is installed, locate the following path:
Locate any Launch Page folders that you may have created.
For example, if you created a Launch Page called "TEST", you will see a folder called \TEST as shown here:
Go into each Launch Page folder and locate the default.ini file.
Using Notepad, edit the default.ini file and locate the [Configuration Lock Feature] section as shown here.
[Configuration Lock Feature]
Change DisableAppendToClipboard=No to DisableAppendToClipboard=Yes
Save the file.
Repeat this process to all the default.ini files located in the Launch Page folders where you wish this change to apply. You can mix and match. You could have some Launch Pages with this feature off and others with it on.
you edit the default.ini file located in the "Template" folder,
you will not have to edit any new Launch Pages you create in the future.
The files
located in the "Template" folder are the master files that are
used by the Web-to-Host Wizard.
How To Lock BlueZone Emulator Features
How To Lock BlueZone FTP Features