NOTE Performing
the following “test” is absolutely necessary in order to properly set
up the correct file paths in the SEAGULL Web Manager.
You should now be able to connect to the SWM directory on your web server by accessing the web server's URL followed by /swm. This should bring up the default Host Access Login page that end users will use to launch their sessions.
Go to the default Host Access Login Page now. It should look like this:
Log in using the following Login ID without a password:
Login ID = 5250demo or (if you prefer, use 3270demo)
Password =
Click the Login button.
You will be presented with the following screen:
Click the Launch All Sessions button.
This will launch a standard iSeries Display and Printer session to one of the SEAGULL iSeries hosts.
Once the sessions are launched, close them down and proceed to the Administrator Login.