Program and version information are readily available for display. From the MenuBar, select Help:About BlueZone FTP or press the About BlueZone FTP icon on the BlueZone Secure FTP ToolBar.
BlueZone Secure FTP will display the following information:
Product Name: BlueZone Secure FTP
Product Version: Major Number . Minor Number, followed by the Build Number
Seagull Software Copyright Notice
License Type followed by the License Key
License Info Button: If this button is active, it will display the following information:
Product Information
Product Name
Licensed To
Company Name
Expiration Date
Warn After
License Type
SEAGULL Address, Phone Numbers and WWW Address
Operating System Name: Your Windows Operating System Name
Operating System Version: Your OS Version
Operating System Build: Your OS Build
Physical Memory Available: The physical memory available in your system. This number reflects the physical amount of free random access memory in the system. It does not reflect the total amount of physical and virtual memory available to the operating system.