Wizard How To Guide

BlueZone Web-to-Host

How to Add Links to the default.htm Page

The BlueZone Web-to-Host default.htm page contains a link to the "Default Web Site" and links for eZClear, BlueZone Help, and the Administrator's Guide.  You may want to add links for additional web sites that you have created.

The HTML code used in this page was designed specifically to make the task of adding links very simple.  It is well "commented" and does not require extensive HTML knowledge to perform this task.

  1. Navigate to the default.htm page on your web server.

  2. Make a copy of the default.htm file first.

  3. Edit the default.htm page with Notepad.

  4. Just below the top of the page, you will see that there is a note to BlueZone Administrator's with some instructions on how to "comment out" the lines of HTML code that create the links.



*** BlueZone Administrators *** - This document is best viewed full screen with wordwrap off!

To eliminate any of the links that appear on this page, simply delete or "comment out" the appropriate section

If you scroll down, you will see that each link is noted with a start and end comment




  1. Scroll down and find the *** Start Additional Site 1 Link ***.

<!-- *** Start Additional Site 1 Link *** -->


    <td width="35" height="30">&nbsp;</td>

    <td colspan="2" height="30">&nbsp;</td>


  <!-- *** End Additional Site 1 Link *** -->


  1. Copy the text from the Default Web Site above.

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-srif" size="2"><a href="./default/sniffer.htm">Default Web Site</a></font></td>

  1. And paste it into the proper place in the table as shown here

<td colspan="2" height="30">paste it here


  1. Now change the link target and label as needed.

  1. Repeat the process for any other links that you wish to add.

Related Topics:

How to Remove Unwanted Links From the default.htm Page