Wizard How To Guide

BlueZone Web-to-Host

How to Convert an Existing Installation to Use the New Web-to-Host Wizard


The procedure assumes that you have a pre-3.3 version or higher of BlueZone Web-to-Host installed, and you want to convert over to the current version of the Web-to-Host Wizard.

TIP  It would be helpful to install the Web-to-Host Wizard and create a test Launch Page or two to become familiar with the Wizard's functions.

Conversion Description

The recommended procedure is to copy your current configuration files over to the new installation.  Use the Web-to-Host Wizard to create the required number of Launch Pages to replicate your current installation.

  1. Install BlueZone Web-to-Host and the Web-to-Host Wizard according to the installation instructions.

  2. Copy all you current configuration files from the old installation to the "configs" folder in the new installation.

  3. Launch the Web-to-Host Wizard and select the "Create new launch page" button.

  4. Give the new Launch Page an appropriate name and click the Next button.

  5. Select your first session from the Session Type drop down listbox.  Give it a Session Name, Host Address (you can skip Host Address since it is contained in the configuration file) and make sure the port number is correct.  Click the Add Session button.

  6. Highlight the session you just created and click the Properties button.

  7. Select the appropriate configuration file from the Profile Name listbox and click the Save button.

  8. If you want to create additional sessions, create them now following steps 5 through 7.

  9. Click the Next button, then click the Next button again.

  10. Click the Publish button.

  11. Click the Launch button to test your Launch Page.

If desired, you can now create additional Launch Pages by following steps 3 through 8.  You can also edit the Launch Page you created above.