Wizard How To Guide

BlueZone Web-to-Host

How to Control Where Your End User's Configuration Files Are Saved

File Location Options - Click here to learn more about this feature

When Using Standard Deployment Mode

When you are using Standard Web-to-Host Client Mode, you have two choices:

  1. Default - (checkbox checked) Install the BlueZone Working Files in the End User's Windows Personal Folder and the BlueZone Program Files in the BlueZone Temp Directory.

  2. Optional - (checkbox un-checked) Install ALL BlueZone files in a folder created in the End User's BlueZone Temp Directory.

When Using Embedded Client Mode

Embedded Web-to-Host Client Mode works exactly the same way as the Standard Web-to-Host Client Mode described above.

When Using Served Desktop Client Mode

When you are using Served Desktop Client mode, you can control the exact location where BlueZone Web-to-Host installs the BlueZone Program Files and BlueZone Working Files.

You also can choose whether or not to use the End User's Windows Personal Folder to store BlueZone's Working Files.

This is an Advanced Global Level Feature.

Standard Deployment Mode

By default, BlueZone will use the End Users Personal Folder as their Working Directory.  If you don't want to use the Personal Folder, un-check the User Personal Folder as Working Directory checkbox.

Embedded Client Mode

Embedded Client Mode works exactly the same way as the Standard Deployment Mode as shown above.

Served Desktop Client Mode

In Served Desktop Mode, file location is controlled in two places:

  1. The User Personal Folder as Working Directory checkbox as shown above.

  2. The value of Installation Directory on the Served Desktop Tab as shown here: